Abinader instructs to start titling process for 86,000 people in La Victoria

In an act headed by President Luis Abinader, the Catholic Church made the donation to the Dominican State of the property titles that will benefit the sectors of the town center and La Union, in the municipality of La Victoria, to be delivered to its residents.

During the ceremony, the President instructed to start the titling process of plots 75 a, 75 b, 75 c and 75 d, which were subdivided in 23 positional of the cadastral district number 23 in La Victoria, so that 86,000 people will be benefited.

The president recognized the social and humanist sense of the church and said that he immediately made an approach with Monsignor Ozoria and then was invited to a conversation with several bishops and he said that they have always been willing to transfer these assets but that they did not have the resources to carry it out.

He recalled that about a year ago more than 1,500 property titles were delivered in La Victoria to bring social justice, development, peace, tranquility and family strength to all Dominicans and Dominicans.

The governor explained what the Technical Unit of Titling, directed by Duarte Méndez, does. “The lands that belong to the State, it transfers them to the people who have been occupying those lands for many years, some of them we have sometimes delivered in the East, to families who have been occupying those lands for more than 100 years”.

In this sense, the President pointed out that the Technical Unit of Titling is in charge of paying these transfer expenses, which would be almost impossible for 98% of the families to afford because they are small plots of land.

He said that this was what was done with the Catholic Church, explaining that they simply had not approached them to make the request and now by donating it, it is as if they were already part of the Government.

The president added: “And as Duarte said, I calculate or we calculate that a minimum of 2,000 to 2,500 property titles will be delivered in the center of La Victoria at a cost of approximately 200 million pesos, which will be assumed by the Dominican government”.

President Abinader said that this act coincides with making La Victoria a municipality “because we are not going to have a municipality without titling”. He said that this is part of all the actions that are being done to promote and develop this locality.

“Hear this, I say this to the press, within the titles that the Catholic Church is donating, is the jail of La Victoria, within the disorder that for years has been in Titulación and that we are organizing,” he said.

He also recalled that even the National Palace was titled by independent persons.

The head of State said that, in order to accelerate the process of the delivery of titles, the disposition of the municipalities is fundamental, since it is necessary that they welcome the people who are going to do the surveys.

He also asked the Catholic Church, the Evangelical and Christian churches, as well as the neighborhood councils, to help the families to reach an agreement to define in whose name they are going to be titled. “Normally we are left with 30% of the titles because the families do not agree on who they are going to give the name of each of those titles to,” he said.

“Today is a day of joy, today is a day of hope because together now and I hope to come in a few months, you will already be owners of your improvements and when we deliver the titles, you will come with a value x that has your property and when you leave it will have four times its value, because you will have your private title,” he said.

The President reiterated his gratitude to the Catholic Church and to Monsignor Ozoria, while recalling that the Government will assume all the procedures so that this process can be carried out as soon as possible.

A new page is opened in the history of La Victoria

Duarte Méndez Peña, director of the Technical Executing Unit of Land Titling of the State, said that in the history of La Victoria a new page has been opened, since the land surveys have begun to start the titling process of this municipality.

Méndez Peña said that the technician responsible for carrying out this process is the surveyor Luis Beltré, who will go space by space, house by house, plot by plot, to carry out the land survey identified with the symbols and the card that accredits him as a surveyor and collaborator of the institution.

He maintained that, as Rafael Burgos Gómez said, that, by disposition of the President of the Republic, it is totally free “which indicates that no person no matter his category in the government or in the society has the right to go to request anything to anybody for the different works that will be done”.

He explained that this titling project will be carried out in the parcels 75th, 75b, 75c and 75d that were subdivided into 23 positional of the cadastral district number 23 benefiting the sectors El Pueblo, the center of the town of La Victoria, La Union of this municipality, which will be raised from today until the last space that is within these plots mentioned above.

Thanks for the donation of the Catholic Church

Meanwhile, the director of National Assets and of the State Sugar Council, Rafael Burgos Gómez, thanked Monsignor Ozoria, in representation of Pope Francis, who has given the consent for this process to be carried out for all the citizens of La Victoria.

Burgos Gómez indicated that 86,000 people who reside in families in the community of La Victoria will benefit from this donation made by the Holy Church to the Dominican government. In addition, he said that in these 4 years of government, about 100,000 titles will be delivered throughout the DR to poor families.

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Santo Domingo, Monsignor Francisco Ozoria Acosta, said that with this good work, every family deserves to have a house or a house, but that this house is on their own land. He valued the decision taken by the President to give a title to the families of La Victoria after an agreement with the church.

Present were the president of the Senate, Ricardo de los Santos; the ministers of the Presidency, Joel Santos; the acting Administrative Minister of the Presidency, Igor Rodríguez; the governor, Julia Drullard; the senator Antonio Taveras; the director of the Dominican Agrarian Institute (IAD), Guillermo García and the mayors of Santo Domingo East, Manuel Jiménez and of La Victoria, Miguel Saviñón.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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