Index carries out activity in support of communities in El Seibo

The Institute of Dominicans Abroad and its office in Pennsylvania, United States, together with local partners in the province of El Seibo, joined forces to collect and deliver donations to children, adolescents and adults from various communities in this locality, including educational and sporting goods, mobility tools for the elderly, among other basic needs.

Representing the Vice Minister for Dominican Communities Abroad and Executive Director of Index, Carlos de la Mota, was Anna Hernández, Director of Linkage and Co-Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who emphasized that “the purpose of this day of solidarity is to promote a greater integration of the community of El Seibo with the Dominican community abroad, maintaining an open communication and support to generate a true co-development, supplying very important items to children, adolescents and elderly people of this community, which are contributions received by donations from different organizations involved”.

This activity was attended and participated in by civil and military authorities of the province of El Seibo, as well as several softball teams and the community itself. Likewise, this day of solidarity had a direct impact on 100 local people.

It should be noted that this initiative is in line with the objectives outlined in the first axis of the foreign policy outlined by President Luis Abinader and implemented by Foreign Minister Roberto Alvarez, the protection of Dominicans abroad and the link with their communities of origin.

To date, the Index has carried out 18 co-development actions, providing philanthropic aid to vulnerable areas of the country and benefiting more than 5,000 people with contributions estimated in more than US 250,000.00.


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