President Abinader appreciates that the U.S. sees Latin America as an important partner

Dominican President Luis Abinader today praised the fact that the United States sees Latin American countries as important partners with whom it can work.

Speaking at the Leaders Summit of the Alliance for Economic Prosperity in the Americas (APEP), the president highlighted some of the areas where the Dominican Republic can work together with the United States.

In addition to continuing to strengthen bilateral relations on issues such as drug trafficking, corruption, migration and democratic stability, he cited other countries in the business and trade framework.

In this regard, President Abinader pointed to the establishment of U.S. companies in Dominican territory, and to continue to deepen the development of medical device and pharmaceutical companies.

He also referred to attract new niches that could be semiconductor and chip industries.

The Dominican President highlighted the favorable climate for foreign investment that prevails in his country.

The Summit, headed by President Biden, was attended by the presidents of Ecuador, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, the Prime Minister of Canada and representatives of Peru, Barbados and Panama.

The agenda also included a meeting with the president of the IDB, Ilan Goldfajn, meetings with Dominicans who work for this international financial entity and with leaders of the Partido Revolucionario Moderno (PRM) residing here.

On Thursday, the head of state met with U.S. President Joe Biden for an hour at the White House, after which the U.S. president said that relations between the DR and the U.S. are at their best moment.

Accompanying persons

The President was accompanied throughout the day by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Álvarez, and of Finance, Jochi Vicente; as well as Ambassador Sonia Guzmán; Deputy Ministers Hugo Rivera, Anselmo Muñiz and Johannes Kelner; businessman Frank Rainieri; his assistants Eilyn Beltrán and Lourdes Herrera, as well as the Press Director of the Presidency, Daniel García Archibald.


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