MESCYT awards 53 national scholarships

The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT) awarded 53 scholarship certificates to the first group of deserving students who will study undergraduate and graduate programs at the Universidad Central del Este (UCE), with the purpose of guaranteeing professional training based on three higher education specialties, with a master’s degree in Educational Technology, and a bachelor’s degree in Medicine and Nursing.

During a ceremony headed by the head of the MESCYT, Dr. Franklin García Fermín, and organized by the Director of National Scholarships, Lanny Portorreal, the scholarship students received their accreditations for graduate and undergraduate studies.

In his keynote speech, Mr. García Fermín emphasized that the National Scholarship Program is an economic subsidy given to people who do not have the necessary capital to finance their studies.

In general, this financial aid requires that the applicant meets certain requirements to be eligible for this benefit, he said.

He also said that this is an important opportunity to generate savings for the future, while at the same time providing the peace of mind needed to concentrate on their goal.

“The launching of the national scholarships granted by the MESCYT is a demonstration of the will of the President of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, to promote the advancement of higher education, convinced that this is the basis for the development of the Dominican nation,” García Fermín stressed.

For his part, the rector of the Universidad Central del Este (UCE), José Hazim Torres, affirmed that the MESCYT is unconditionally supporting Dominican youth for the sake of higher education, so that they can continue to professionalize themselves in subjects demanded by the labor market at the highest level.

He announced that, on instructions from the head of the MESYT and in coordination with the UCE, they will soon be opening a new call for 100 scholarships in the January-April 2024 semester, which will be destined for higher studies in areas of engineering and ethics training.

“We want to congratulate and thank the institution for this vote of confidence, for allowing us to serve the Dominican Republic as we train young people in our classrooms, and tell them to give the best of each of you,” said Hazim Torres.

Speaking on behalf of the scholarship recipients, Victor Alejandro, said that the Scholarship Program carried out by the Government is transparent, so they leave behind a past in which broad sectors of the population perceived that credit facilities were for friends of officials.

“We thank President Luis Abinader and the MESCYT, for being benefited with this national scholarship, assuming each of us the commitment to our country, to continue studying and continue with its economic and social development,” he concluded.

Also present were the executive vice rector of the UCE, Richard Peguero, vice rector of Services and Communications, and Elizabeth Reyes, vice rector of Academics.


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