Mescyt opens call for international scholarships

The Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr. Franklin García Fermín, announced on Wednesday the opening of the call for international scholarships 2024, for all those interested in pursuing specialized programs in universities abroad.

In a press conference held at the Convention Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mirex), García Fermín informed that the call is open from January 31 until February 21, 2024, with the integration of 59 universities, located in 15 countries, as well as around 549 programs available.

He announced that among the countries available for master’s, specialty and doctorate programs are the United States, Spain, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Honduras, India, Italy, Mexico, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland and Puerto Rico. “We took on the task of changing the face of our national and international scholarship program and open it to every corner of the country, so that students from the most vulnerable areas benefit, through an effort of territorialization that allows families in the poorest provinces of the border, and especially in the southern region, access to higher education for more of their children,” he said.

In the same vein, he thanked the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (Mepyd) for its efforts to fulfill the mandate of territorializing public policies in a democratic manner, with programs drawn from the technical tables.

For his part, Luis Madera Sued, Mepyd’s Deputy Minister of Planning and Public Investment, highlighted that policies for the development of higher education have achieved significant changes in remote regions, where the State has deployed a chain of jobs.

“The rate of employability in the formal sector of graduates of technical professional and university education was 69.1% in 2022, while the third quarter of 2023 increased to 71.5%, in the province of Pedernales went from 0 international to 13 scholarships last year, also received 30 scholarships young people from Dajabón, 17 from Montecristi, that is, the southern region went from having 23 scholarships in the call 2022 to 180 in 2023,” he explained.

Participating universities

For this year 2024, the following Higher Education Institutions (HEI) will be available to apply for scholarships: Berlin School of Business and Innovation, Torrens University of Australia, Mondelli Institute of Dentistry, Universidad del Externado, the Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Teaching, Financial Studies /UDIMA, CESTE Business School, Barcelona School of Tourism Hospitality and Gastronomy.

Also included for the first time in the Call are the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Mexico, and IISC Indian Institute of Science, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, located in India, among others.

Application Requirements

To apply, those interested must be Dominican, complete all the required fields in the online form, available through the portal Beca Tu Futuro

In addition, they must have a minimum academic index of 80, on a scale of 0-100 and Mescyt, copy of identity card, curriculum vitae, letter of intent, among other requirements.

The Vice Ministers of Mescyt, José A. Cancel, Paula Disla, Juan Francisco Vilorio, María López Polanco, as well as the Director of Cabinet, Juan F. Medina, and the person in charge of International Scholarships, Roselia Pérez, were present.

Also in attendance were the ambassadors of Spain, Antonio Pérez-Hernández Torra; France, Eric Fournier; Colombia, Darío Villamizar Herrera; Costa Rica, Edwin Arias Chinchilla; Honduras, José Antonio Lorenzana Reyes; India, Ramu Abbagani; Mexico, Carlos Miguel Aysa González; the Dominican ambassador to Colombia, Félix Aracena, as well as the cultural attaché of the U.S. Embassy in the DR, Timothy Brown.


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