Supérate Youth Initiative impacted more than 60,000 young people by 2023

The main social protection program of the Dominican Republic, Supérate, celebrates “National Youth Day” today, January 31, highlighting the contributions made to this population segment, where some 60,346 young people have been impacted nationwide, through the various projects of the Youth division.

Juventud Supérate is an initiative of the Directorate of Gender and Care of the state agency, directed by Gloria Reyes, which seeks to empower and raise awareness among Dominican youth, in the interest of enabling them to develop knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve a better future, positively impacting their families and society.

Luis Yanuel Cordero, in charge of the division, said that “being part of the program and being able to accompany young people in their process of empowerment and economic and social improvement, is a commitment that demonstrates the dedication of Juventud Supérate and myself to provide initiatives that not only inspire, but also generate a positive impact on each young participant, because when youth change and overcome, the country moves forward”.

One of the main objectives of the Supérate program is to transform the country’s youth into agents of change; that they have the ability to constantly influence processes that contribute to the improvement of society; that they become involved in initiatives related to future skills and the optimization of opportunities.

Through this initiative, the country’s youth are motivated to embark on a formative journey that will propel them to become catalysts for change, encouraging them to explore the various opportunities provided by the Dominican Government.

Among the projects being implemented are: Punto Joven, Master Class Juventud, Juventud Supérate por el Mundo, Agents of Change Abroad, Un Viaje por Mi Patria, Bebé, Piénsalo Bien, Conversatorio Motivacional “Entre Jóvenes”, Entre Jóvenes el Podcast and Relaciones Internacionales Juventud Supérate 2023.

To achieve these objectives, Juventud Supérate has the support, as allies, of the Ministry of Youth, Civil Defense, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Red Cross and Banreservas.

Likewise, the National Hemocenter, Pro-Industry, Ministry of Women, National Council for Children and Adolescents (Conani), National Council on Disability (Conadis), National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD), Embassy of Japan, National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation (Intrant), among others.

Supérate Youth Projects

Through Punto Joven, schools, high schools, universities and colleges were visited in order to raise awareness among young people on sex education, drug abuse, proper use of technology, among others.

The Supérate Youth Master Classes provide value to the participants with training in areas such as entrepreneurship, financial education, healthy habits, emotional intelligence, among others.

Through the “Entre Jóvenes” conversations, young community leaders are identified to share their growth story as a way of showing that being born in a vulnerable sector is not a limiting factor in advancing and achieving their goals.

As for the Supérate 23 Youth International Relations project, young people were involved in training and youth participation activities at the international level in countries such as Colombia, Cuba, Israel, the United States and Brazil. Last August, 17 Dominicans traveled to Colombia to participate in the II International Exchange of Youth Experiences as Agents of Change Abroad, in coordination with the Governor’s Office of the Department of Atlántico, Colombia.

The project “Bebé, Piénsalo Bien” (Baby, Think it through), which focuses on the prevention of early pregnancies, consists of giving young people an experiential experience of the role of parenthood, accompanied by talks and workshops to raise awareness about the prevention of teenage pregnancies and the creation of a healthy life project.

On the other hand, young people from Spain, Colombia, Panama, the United States and Italy, joined the initiative Agents of Change Abroad, which is implemented with the Ministries of Youth and Foreign Affairs. The objective is to accompany young Dominicans living abroad to offer them training to enhance their skills.

With “Un Viaje por mi Patria” (A Journey through my Homeland), guided visits are made through representative spaces of the Dominican Republic, with the intention that young people learn about the history and culture of the country, in a dynamic way and with training in emotional intelligence, among other topics of interest.


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