President Luis Abinader delivers 400 apartments in San Cristóbal

President Luis Abinader led this Saturday the inauguration of two new primary schools in Los Alcarrizos, Santo Domingo province.

The centers inaugurated were: the Buenas Nuevas Primary School and the Rubén Darío Primary School, which, together, contribute 51 classrooms to the national education system and each has the capacity to receive 800 boys and girls, for a total of 1,600 students.

Representing the Ministry of Education, Vice Minister Ancell Scheker highlighted that during this period, 127 educational centers that were paralyzed have been completed and DR 12,000 million have been invested in the maintenance of the schools, for which she made a call to take care of them.

He gave as an example that the Buenas Nuevas Primary School, which is being delivered today, waited almost 15 years to be completed, becoming an adequate space for the development of competencies and learning of the students.

For his part, the Vice-Minister of Teacher Accreditation and Certification, Francisco D’ Óleo, recognized the efforts of President Luis Abinader to travel around the country delivering schools for the benefit of Dominican society.

The Rubén Darío Basic School, in the Chavón sector of Los Alcarrizos, had an investment of DR 111 million, while that of the Buenas Nuevas Elementary School, exceeds DR 149 million.

Both have administrative, recreational and sports areas, an infirmary, dining room, orientation, storage, bathrooms, kitchenette, cistern, civic areca and others.

The senator for Santo Domingo, Antonio Taveras; the mayor of Los Alcarrizos, Cristian Encarnación; the regional director 15 of Education, Rafael Amador; the director of the Buenas Nuevas center, Juana De la Cruz and the parish priest Aníbal Polanco were present.


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