Public institutions have resources available to execute their expenditures as of January 10

The Director General of Budget, José Rijo Presbot, announced the beginning of the budget execution process for the year 2024, as of this January 10, through the State Financial Management Information System (Sigef).

In this way, during the four budget years of the current administration of President Luis Abinader, the institutions can have these resources available in time for their execution and the fulfillment of physical goals just a few days into the year.

The announcement was made by the Budget Director General during the Council of Ministers and General Directors held this Tuesday at the National Palace, headed by the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader together with Vice President Raquel Peña. The meeting addressed in detail the internal processes that are planned for the budget execution for the year 2024, the stages of spending and their respective records.

In this regard, the scenario served as an initial coordination point of the General Budget Directorate (Digepres), as the governing body of the budget cycle, with the highest ministerial authorities, in order to ensure the proper execution of the resources allocated by Law No. 80-23 of the General State Budget 2024.

Following the enactment of the aforementioned law, as well as the subsequent administrative distribution, the budget execution process formally begins, available for each of the public institutions in the State Financial Management Information System (Sigef), in order to be able to record and manage the transactions and expenditure commitments required to carry out the programmed activities during the fiscal period and in accordance with their planning.

Historically, the availability of these resources for execution presented significant delays in the institutional performance and that of the Government as a whole. However, this bad practice has been overcome by the present administration, after four years of full and timely compliance. This achievement responds to efficient planning and management as a priority, making the budget cycle processes more efficient with the purpose of impacting the quality of public spending.

With the announcement, Rijo Presbot also reiterated that as part of the execution processes for 2024, the institutions will prepare the programming of their budgets, in accordance with the current legal framework and the norms and guidelines established by the Digepres.

Likewise, he emphasized that, according to Decree No. 15-17, institutions may not initiate purchasing or contracting processes or transfers to the private sector without having the Budget Appropriation Certificate.

It is recalled that, through Resolution No. 157-2022, of the Ministry of Finance, it was established that such certificate is automatically generated in Sigef from the Transactional Portal, ensuring that the amount is reserved throughout the process cycle until the contract is signed.

Transparency, among the major achievements of budget management

Among the great achievements of the current budget management is the positioning of the DR among the first 3 countries with the greatest budget transparency in the American continent and number 9 in the world.

Among these transparency and social control efforts is the publication, for the first time in history, of the Weekly Budget Execution Report, available every Tuesday through the portal and the social networks @DigepresRD, which allows for detailed follow-up on the management of public resources.


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