Italian Embassy Celebrates its National Day in Dominican Republic

The Embassy of Italy celebrated the 75th anniversary of its National Day and 125 years of bilateral relations between Italy and the Dominican Republic, with meetings defined by the essence of their country.

One of them was held at the Fray Antonio de Montesino monument in Santo Domingo, which was open for the enjoyment of families and the next one will be this June 24 at the Central Park in Santiago.

“With this occasion opens the series of national festivals, the two great popular Italian festivals that involve for the first time not only Santo Domingo, but also Santiago. An honorable mention also goes to Salcedo, where a very active group of people linked to Italy bring to life every year, during these days, the parallel between the commemoration of the Mirabal Sisters and the Italian liberation struggle,” explained Stefano Queirolo Palmas, Italian ambassador.

He adds that, historically, the relationship between the two countries has been one of much collaboration and reciprocal contribution: the Italians here are close to 50,000 and an equal number of Dominicans make up the Creole diaspora in Italy, the third largest in the world. Italian residents and tourists, remittances from Italy and the social work of companies, foundations, NGOs and volunteers linked to Italy inject hundreds of millions of dollars into the Dominican economy every year. The Italian presence is prominent in the sectors of tourism, air transport, cruises, commerce, food and wine, agriculture, construction, cement, water, renewable energy and security. University cooperation is strong in medicine, environment, urban planning, space, archeology, genetics, seismic engineering and materials physics, among others.

“In addition, thanks to the European Union and the team of ambassadors from the Member Countries, gathered in the mythical Team Europe, we have joined our efforts to transform our collective bet on the future of the Dominican Republic into reality. Thanks also to the EPA agreements and the other European programs, the exchanges with the European single market have increased by 231%, and the Dominican-Italian exchanges have doubled in 2 years, taking us, together with Spain, to the position of first European commercial partner of this country”, he detailed.

On the afternoon of Saturday, June 24, the great Italian style party will be replicated in the Central Park of Santiago de los Caballeros, the heart city, always with food and drink tents, entertainment for children, hymns, flags, authorities and dance concert of tarantella and merengue by the well-known Sergio Laccone’s band, with the master of ceremony of Ruth Ocumarez and will count with the presence of the Carabinieri in their uniforms.


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