First National Census of Human Resources in Health

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP), through the Directorate for the Development of Human Resources in Health (DDRHS) of the Vice-Ministry for the Strengthening and Development of the Health Sector (VFDSS), presented the project “First National Census of Human Resources in Health”, with the aim of gathering information on health personnel throughout the national territory, in order to analyze the distribution and determine the existing gaps.

This project has the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and will collect data on personnel, ranging from doctors and nurses to those in technical positions, providing general data on their training and location.

The presentation of the project was headed by the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, who stressed the importance of this “First National Census of Human Resources in Health”, which will make it possible to know, analyze and make projections on the statistical data obtained.

“This is the first health census carried out in the country, there are no precedents, it breaks with historical weaknesses of the lack of information on Human Resources in Health, therefore, a modern and updated information system will be created, we will know what we have. Therefore, we invite all the personnel involved to join and provide their truthful and specific information,” said the minister.

He explained that, through the collection of such statistical data, the disaggregated information of health professionals will be known, thus, understanding the different dimensions, optimizing the decision making of public policies based on evidence and centered on people. The amount of human resources in medicine available in the country, by territory, within the Dominican health system will be known.

Inka Mattila, UNDP resident representative in the Dominican Republic, said that with this support, the organization contributes to the institutional framework and ensures the mainstreaming of the inclusion and sustainable human development approach throughout the methodological process for the collection of information.

He added that “with the methodological validation, the entity supports the institutions in the construction of an effective tool to identify and address the needs of the communities, especially those in vulnerable situations”.

The Census

The census is scheduled to begin next February and will facilitate evidence-based decision making, contributing to improve the effectiveness of the service provided by health professionals and promote sustainable human development.

The process also has the support of institutions specialized in data collection, such as the National Statistics Office (ONE), and will hire expert consultants in the field to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected.

The initiative represents a fundamental step towards the creation of public policies and decision making, in order to provide more efficient medical care focused on the needs of the population and on the development of human resources in Health.

This action is part of the National Strategic Health Plan (PLANDES), the process of strengthening the essential functions of Public Health renewed, the National Development Strategy (END), achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the exercise of the Steering Role over the National Health System.

These actions are part of the process of reforming the Health sector, advancing in the design of policies for the development of Human Resources in Health, planning training, competencies, and geographical distribution and by levels of care, together with the actors of the National Health System.

Human resources represent the essential part for the functioning of the National Health System, and the data provided by this census will be a basic input for management, as well as for the strengthening of the current care model. The information gathered will be strictly confidential and used only for statistical purposes.

Directorate of Human Resources in Health (DDRHS)

This Directorate was created through Resolution number 000068, issued by Minister Daniel Rivera, and its purpose is to regulate the strategic and political processes of labor management, education, and training of human resources in the sector, through the definition of the National Policy for the Development of Human Resources in Health, which guarantees its execution in an objective and transparent manner.

The DDRHS is the unit in charge of ensuring compliance with the different stages of the First National Census of Human Resources in Health.


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