With the attendance of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Dr. Franklin García Fermín, the Higher Institute Specialized in Medical Imaging (INESIMED) was inaugurated.
Delivering the central words of the event, the founding rector of the academic institution, Fauzi Bachá Arbaje, said that “the birth of an eldest son, loaded with challenges and great ethical and academic commitments to higher education in medical imaging, make us better.”
“Our passion, quality, enthusiasm and dedication, allowed us, after that long and fruitful trajectory, to begin the inauguration of an ambitious institutional project that would favor the growth of thousands of young people and medical colleagues in the country,” he said.
He recalled that the then academic project was submitted to the members of the National Council of Higher Education, Science and Technology (CONESCYT) so that they could evaluate and approve, under their demanding technical and professional criteria, “our first institution at a higher level, specialized in medical imaging in the history of the Dominican Republic.”
Bachá Arbaje said that “today we have trained and accredited since 2007, when we were INESIMED, 6,202 professionals and technicians in the various modalities of diagnostic imaging”.
He thanked the members of CONESCYT for their resolution in favor of such a necessary and priority project in the area of medical diagnostics and health in general, as well as Minister García Fermín, who was always “open to receive us, to give us advice, and who today privileges us with his valuable and stimulating presence.”
“We promise before this exquisite audience, that we will work tirelessly together with all the specialized societies that today honor us with their presence, together with our team of vice-rectors, directors, faculty, advisors and administrative staff, to turn INESIMED into a core reference of specialized higher education in the Dominican Republic and Latin America, under the will of the Almighty,” he said.
Barchá Arbaje assured that “we guarantee to comply and enforce all the regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology, as well as to respect our own academic regulations, which will allow a sustained and exemplary growth in the field of specialized education”.
Delivery of the Resolution
During the inauguration ceremony, Minister García Fermín presented Dr. Bachá Arbaje with Resolution number 26-2022 accrediting the center to award Higher Education degrees in the Dominican Republic.
García Fermín congratulated the founders and faculty of INESIMED and wished them success in their new academic endeavors.
Dr. Bachá Arbaje recalled that the first person to whom he presented the project was Dr. María Elena Cruz Batista, at that time rector of the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago, Santo Domingo campus, (UTESA).
“Today, 15 years later, we want to thank Dr. Maria Elena, who is passionate about education; we want to pay tribute to her by naming the library of our institution after her,” he said.
After the inauguration ceremony, the attendees toured the center’s facilities, which include air-conditioned classrooms, administrative offices, libraries, a conference room and other facilities suitable for teaching.
In addition to García Fermín, INESIMED’s inauguration was attended by the Vice Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, José A. Cancel; Violeta Melo de Bachá, co-founder and vice-rector of the academic center; Jacqueline Reyes, president of the Dominican Association of Sonography; Marcelina Agüero, president of the National Association of Imaging Professionals and Technicians, among others.
Source: presidencia.gov.do