SNS impacts more than 600 children through the Caries-Free School Program

The National Health Service (SNS), through the Dental Department, delivered 615 caries-free students of the Escuela Fe y Alegría de Los Frailes, as part of the actions carried out in the Caries-Free School program.

The activity, sponsored by Colgate-Palmolive, was headed by Mario Bournigal, director of Dentistry of the SNS, who highlighted that 3,690 oral procedures were performed on the children, which is estimated to save parents more than 15,000,000 million pesos in investment in dental services provided.

The Director of Dentistry explained that for two months, a team of ten dentists worked hard on the oral health of the children.

He also explained that with the delivery of this school, there are now 56 caries-free schools throughout the country, based on priority groups (pregnant women and children from five to 14 years of age).

Likewise, Mario Bournigal recognized the effort and will of the team of the Dental Department, which works with the desire to give back a smile to each and every one of the Dominicans.

At the event, which was attended by the director of the SRS Metropolitano, Edison Féliz, representing the head of the SNS, Mario Lama, the children received dental kits and were also taught the importance of proper brushing.

The Inmaculada Fe y Alegría School is part of the School Health Program, which started as a pilot program, based on a presidential goal that involves different institutions, among them: the Ministry of Education and Inabie, among others.

The activity was also attended by Winston Genao, from Public Health; Irma Mauriz, from Colgate Palmolive; Sister Juana Jiménez, director of the Inmaculada Fe y Alegría School; Virginia Laureano, president of the Dominican College of Dentistry and Mildred González Cruz, manager of the Dentistry Area of Santo Domingo East of the SNS, among others.


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