Environment inspects infrastructure retrofitting

The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Miguel Ceara Hatton, made a supervisory tour of the visitor centers of the protected areas that are being readapted for the reception of Dominicans and foreigners interested in visiting the national parks of the south, as part of the tourism activities that the Government is promoting in this region.

“The reason for the visit is to carry out inspections in all the areas of the Sierra de Bahoruco and Jaragua national parks, where improvements are being made to the infrastructure for visitation, ecotourism, surveillance and protection, with a view to the development of Pedernales and the management of these two protected areas,” said Ceara Hatton.

The Ministry of Environment is completing a process of readjustment of the visitor centers of the protected areas of the zone, with an investment of at least DR 76.2 million. This budget includes DR 8.0 million for a pickup truck, two buggies and eight motorcycles.

Ceara Hatton arrived with part of his team and Pável Isa Contreras, Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, at Los Arroyos, where a control and surveillance facility is being built which will have three rooms, a lounge and a warehouse, as well as an access point to the park, budgeted at about DR 4,000,000.

During their visit, Ceara Hatton and Isa Contreras were received by the governor of Pedernales, Altagracia Brea, with whom they talked about the impulse that the province is taking with the tourism boom and the need to maintain over time a sustainable development that preserves the natural resources.

He then went to Hoyo de Pelempito, Las Mercedes and Bahía de Las Águilas, where he spoke with the park rangers, before moving on to the Oviedo Lagoon.

Ceara Hatton indicated that he was able to evaluate the situation of the park rangers and the infrastructure, so that “everything is available in this great project that the Government is carrying out to develop Pedernales”.

“All these protected areas will provide visitation services to tourists, so that they can get to know, to be able to enrich the perspective of the DR, where, in addition to beaches, there are also other important areas to know,” he said.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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