Government urges people to become empowered to conserve forests

The Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN), kicked off the celebration of Reforestation Month by inviting citizens to continue to join in the tree planting events that take place in different parts of the country.

The call, which is made every year in October, acquires a special meaning on this occasion in which the MMARN implements the National Reforestation and Forest Restoration Plan 2023-2024, launched last June 5 by President Luis Abinader, with the purpose of restoring the forest cover of the country, especially in the watersheds.

The program establishes that 20 million young trees will be planted in 320,000 tareas, explained Francisca Rosario, agroforestry expert of the Vice-Ministry of Forest Resources, responsible for the Endemic and Native Seed Bank, while giving a talk within the framework of the Environment and Citizenship Fair, held by the governing body of natural resources in the atrium of Agora Mall.

“We are inviting all institutions, schools, universities, private companies and individuals, if they are interested in reforesting, to write to us at direcció[email protected] or call us directly at (809) 567-4300, extension 6180”.

Rosario pointed out that the plantations are being made in hills and near the numerous rivers in the country and recalled that a large part of the planet’s drinking water comes from forest areas.

Before an audience of mostly elementary school students, the speaker explained that when it rains, the tree canopy serves to collect water that slides between the leaves, branches and trunks, moistening the soil to protect it against erosion, and at the same time, to nourish all the vegetation.

He recalled that the reforestation plan seeks to restore the country’s forest cover, “so that we have a healthier environment, to have better soils, to be able to produce healthier food”.

Rosario indicated that to reforest it is necessary to collect seeds, produce the plants and then go to plant them.

He recalled that MMARN has 50 nurseries nationwide, where the plants used in the Reforestation Plan are produced.

At the end of the activity, those attending the Environment and Citizenship Fair received as gifts plants of lemongrass, tamarind, cajuil, beach grape, pear and mamey.


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