José Paliza delivers $20 million for remodeling of the Cultural Center

With the objective of improving the quality of life of those who daily visit the facilities of the Cultural Center and the health area of the Mauricio Baez Club, the Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza, delivered today a contribution of DR 20 million for the remodeling of the facilities.

The founding president of the Mauricio Baez Club, Leo Corporán, accompanied by the current president, José Domínguez, and César Heredia; executive director, received the contribution that will allow them to start the repair work.

“The government has provided all the support to the cultural and sports sector of the country, we know its value; the Mauricio Baez is today a mark of our society, because here we can talk not only about sports, culture and health, we also have to cite the formation of our citizens,” said Paliza.

“Always count on the support of this government headed by President Luis Abinader. I congratulate Leo Corporán and the entire work team because they have managed to carry this commitment on their men and have the results that the country already knows,” he added.

Leo Corporán expressed his gratitude for the attention given at the National Palace by President Luis Abinader and Minister José Ignacio Paliza. With this “they distinguish us and at the same time give support to our sector of Villa Juana, through these contributions that will serve for the welfare of many people who constantly visit our facilities”.

The Cultural Center and the auditorium of the Club have activities for children and young people in English, theater, dance, painting, music, piano, flute, guitar and singing workshops.


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