The Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional (Infotep), inaugurated in Santana, with the presence of Vice President Raquel Peña, the first stage of the modern Centro Tecnológico José Alberto Madé, which will have a capacity for 1,700 students, which in its second stage will also specialize in transportation and logistics,
The center impacts, in addition to Santana, the municipality of Nizao and the municipal district of Pizarrete, which together have a demographic of more than 27,000 people, predominantly female.
Vice President Raquel Peña emphasized that technical and professional training is synonymous with improvement and growth because through it, skills are acquired for personal development and that of society as a whole. Therein lies the commitment of President Luis Abinader to continue expanding Infotep’s technological centers.
Peña said that with this José Alberto Madé Technology Center and another to be inaugurated, also this Friday, in Santo Domingo East, Infotep goes from the 8 centers that existed in 2020 to 46 today, so that young people and adults can develop their potential through the careers available.
Likewise, the vice-mandatary pointed out that society is living in times that demand continuous renewal and broader competencies, so she invited to take advantage of the areas that are most in demand and are part of the center’s offer.
Center specialized in logistics
The general director of Infotep, Rafael Santos Badía, said that with the center specialized in transportation and logistics begins a new stage that will provide the country with an effective alternative to reduce traffic accidents, improve customer service and increase productivity.
“Today, the province of Peravia is exalted, in its Santana municipal district of Nizao, with the inauguration of the first stage of the José Alberto Madé Technology Center, a work that will have, from now on, and in its following stages, a remarkable extension and quality of services, of great impact on the province and Southern region of our country,” Santos Badía highlighted.
The Infotep director said that the center has a training offer resulting from the study of “Training Needs in Nizao Municipality and Surrounding Communities”, carried out by Infotep, from which the workshops of Pastry, Gastronomy, Information Technology, Health and Beauty, Bar and Restaurant, Languages, Electricity, Hydroponics and Fish Farming, in its first stage, are derived.
“The announcement of this inauguration had an immediate response: we already have 23 groups of participants, with 438 applications to start immediately, after this inauguration”, stated Santos Badía.
José Alberto Madé
The name with which this important center has been baptized honors a Dominican who stood out in the defense of the environment, in addition to the high professionalism and integrity in his practice as a technician and advisor in the Ministry of the Environment and in the private sector.
José Alberto Madé was notably qualified in the areas of electricity and refrigeration, as well as outstanding teacher of Infotep, where he trained generations of technicians in their areas of expertise.
About the José Alberto Madé Technology Center
The installation of this technology center began with the donation to Infotep of the former facilities of the National Training, Irrigation and Drainage Center (Cenacid) of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), in Santana, consisting of 6 buildings and outdoor areas comprising 15,000 square meters.
The first stage inaugurated has an extension of 1,838 square meters, after the demolition, construction, renovation and adaptation works were completed.
The center is modernly equipped with workshops for Pastry, Gastronomy, Computer Science, Health, Beauty, Bar and Restaurant, Languages, Electricity, Hydroponics, Fish Farming, administrative area and kitchen.
It has a dining room, as well as general services and laundry areas. Also, two warehouses, two sentry boxes for entrance and exit control, street and parking lots, scuppers and filtering.
Also, the facilities were installed for connectivity to the Infotep national network, UPS equipment to protect the technological infrastructure, air conditioning equipment, sanitary installations, water connections and reservoirs, electricity and transformers connected to the national power grid.
It also has dormitories, which will house the participants who will be trained in transportation and logistics.
A 375 kVA emergency power plant, a 250-gallon fuel tank, underground feeders for power distribution to the buildings with wiring, an automatic transfer system, and exterior lighting were also installed.
In addition, a group of 25 professionals was trained as facilitators in the different areas to teach classes at the inaugurated center.
Know More: Technology