Government delivers football field and sports center

On Friday, the government handed over two completely rebuilt sports facilities in the province of San Cristóbal, which had never been intervened since their construction in 1987.

Vice-president Raquel Peña led the inauguration ceremony of the sports works, accompanied by the Minister of Sports and Recreation, Francisco Camacho, where the new face of the Rosendo Sepúlveda soccer field and the municipal sports center of San Cristóbal were presented to the local civil, community and sports authorities.

Both facilities make up the sports complex of this southern province, where hundreds of children, young people and adults of different ages and sexes practice sports in different disciplines such as soccer, basketball, volleyball, karate and judo, among others.

Minister Camacho emphasized that “it is a source of pride for the Government of President Luis Abinader, today represented by Vice President Raquel Peña, to deliver these sports facilities that the people of San Cristobal have been longing for”.

“We have traveled the country conditioning provincial and municipal sports facilities, and San Cristobal deserves to have its main facilities in optimal conditions and we Gobierno Remozados Futbolhave fulfilled this Friday with this delivery,” said Camacho.

He pointed out that since 1987, when the sports field and the sports center were delivered on the occasion of the celebration of the National Games of San Cristóbal and whose construction began in the government of Salvador Jorge Blanco (1982-86), no repairs or renovations had been made, that is to say, 37 years ago.

He indicated that sports have returned to be promoted in all the neighborhoods of the country, because “we have built and repaired their facilities, so that they can practice sports and preserve their health, vital aspects for life”.

News from the field

In the soccer field, new grass was planted, the goal posts were built and light poles were installed with a new system of LED lights.

In the sports center, a new scoreboard was installed, as well as two parales with their boards and hoops, the seats and LED lights, and the administrative offices were also renovated.

Peña and Camacho were accompanied by the provincial governor, Pura Casillas; the administrator of the Empresa de Generación Hidroeléctrica Dominicana (Egehid), engineer Rafael Salazar; the deputy ministers of Sports, Franklin De la Mota, Juan Vila, Kennedy Vargas, Leopoldo Portes and Johnny Peña, the latter responsible for Sports Facilities.

Also present were the Vice Minister of the Presidency, Benny Metz, the deputies, Gustavo Salazar and Otoniel Tejada, and the immortal of sports, Evaristo Pérez.

The parish priest Cruz María Echavarría was in charge of the religious invocation, then, the governor Pura Casilla pronounced the words of welcome and the Olympic exhortation was in charge of the international referee of FIFA, Randy Encarnación Solano.

The Vice President of the Republic and the Minister of Sports cut the ribbon to formally inaugurate the sports facilities.


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