The opinion of hoteliers and bankers on 10 million tourists

It is no secret that the Dominican tourism sector has set a goal of 10 million visitors to the Dominican Republic by the end of 2023.

The goal, which the public and private sectors are working hand in hand, would be a “great achievement” as a country in the face of other competitors in the region and would translate into economic benefits that would reach other sectors.

In view of the great challenge, which is ahead according to the statistics provided by the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur) every month, several hotel and national banking leaders have expressed to their opinion on the subject.

In that sense, Carlos Jiménez Ruiz, director of Development for the Caribbean Area of Lopesan Hotel Group, considered that the work of the current tourism administration is doing a good job for the entire sector and for the projection of closing the year 2023 with 10 million tourists.

“I believe that in recent years governments have been involved in a very direct way with the issue of development and good work in terms of tourism. It is true that this minister and the President have been even more involved and have worked hand in hand,” he added.

He said that for the objective, both in the short and long term, the extraordinary work to achieve the goal has been noticed.

Roberto Garrido, vice president of operations of Playa Hotels in the DR, said that “I remember when they talked about the 10 million tourists and many laughed and we are on our way to achieving it”.

He said that in order to achieve this, we must remain focused on the path taken by the authorities and continue to count on the support of the Government, regardless of political parties.

Meanwhile, Juan Manuel Martin de Oliva, vice president of international business and tourism area of Banco Popular, said that “we are embarked on the plan of 10 million tourists and as a banking institution that bets on the sector we want to call to continue working for a sustainable tourism that we can maintain those 10 million visitors and continue to increase the number. We are on that rhythm!

“When we talk about 10 million tourists, it is not only 10 million tourists, it is everything that is behind, that virtuous circle that has been generated through the arrival of visitors. The number of jobs it generates and the number of families that live from the sector,” he emphasized.

Source: Arecoa

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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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