Wingo: Offers on flights between Medellín and Santo Domingo

As the Holy Week season approaches, the airline Wingo launched a series of promotions on its flights starting at $48,000. There are 40,000 domestic routes on which you can take advantage of the fare reductions.

Discounts also apply to international routes and, in general, tickets with special values may be purchased until March 3. The dates to choose for the routes (also as part of a February auction) are until October 26th of the current year.

“With this edition of Wingo Remate, Wingo reinforces its commercial strategy with the objective of continuing to conquer travelers in the Colombian market, where it Medellín Colombia Santo Domingoplans to grow 16% during 2024, to reach 3.4 million travelers,” the company said in a statement.

Discounts for flights abroad start at 92 dollars, about $364,500 in conversion on Tuesday. The routes included in the ‘Wingo Remate’ are from Bogota to Medellin, Cali, Armenia, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta, Pereira, Barranquilla and Cartagena.

It also applies to San Andres from Cartagena and Barranquilla. Additionally, the lower prices cover routes from Medellin to Santa Marta and Cartagena.

Regarding flights to other countries, the routes depart from Bogota to Lima, Caracas, San Jose, Havana, Aruba, Cancun, Panama and Curacao.

Another series of discounts depart from Medellin to destinations such as Santo Domingo, Panama and Caracas. Passengers planning trips for the coming months may take advantage of these fares for routes between: Cali – Aruba, Panama – Cartagena, Cali, Barranquilla, Havana and San Jose.

In addition, travelers may find offers of up to 40% on additional services, such as carry on and first baggage in the hold.


Know More: Flights, Travel

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