Dominican Republic and Uruguay sign coproduction agreement

The Dominican Republic and Uruguay have decided to strengthen their relations in the film and audiovisual field through a bilateral co-production agreement.

Aware of the potential of the film and audiovisual industry, the countries have worked together to establish a framework for cooperation to promote the creation and production of quality cinematographic and audiovisual works.

This bilateral agreement, signed in the context of the ordinary meeting of the Ibermedia Program’s intergovernmental council taking place in Campeche, Mexico, from October 9 to 14, 2023, lays the groundwork for a solid collaboration in the field of film and audiovisual co-production. Both countries recognize the importance of this collaboration not only in terms of the development of their industries, but also in the promotion of their culture and the growth of economic and cultural exchanges.

Marianna Vargas Gurilieva, Director General of the General Directorate of Cinema of the Dominican Republic (DGCINE), and Facundo Ponce de León, President of the Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Agency, are the signing authorities of the important alliance, which aims to be a tool to bring the Dominican Republic closer to countries with which Uruguay has signed similar bilateral agreements and which are committed to co-production and exchange of incentives for international film promotion.

Main Aspects of the Agreement

The agreement establishes the following key provisions:

The Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Agency (ACAU) and the Directorate General of Cinema (DGCINE) will be the competent authorities of both parties, responsible for the approval of co-production projects.

The cinematographic works made under a co-production regime will benefit from the incentives granted by each country, exclusively to the co-producer of the country that grants them.

Proportions of the Work: It is established that the proportion of the economic, technical and artistic contributions of the co-producers of each country may vary from 20% to 80% of the production budget of the work. Exclusively financial participation by one of the co-producers is also accepted.

Participation of Third Parties: The integration of production companies from third countries in co-productions will be allowed, as long as their contribution does not exceed 30% of the budget and the majority co-producer is Uruguayan or Dominican.

Filming and Post-production: It is specified that filming and post-production work must be carried out in Uruguay or the Dominican Republic, with exceptions under certain circumstances.

Export of the Work: The process of allocating the work to each country’s quota, in the case of export to countries with quotas, is detailed.

Distribution of the Work: The contractual distribution clauses must be proportional to the contribution of each co-producer.

Exhibition of the Work: All exhibition, diffusion or commercialization of co-produced works must include the mention “Dominican-Uruguayan Coproduction” or “Uruguayan-Dominican Coproduction.”

Presentations at Festivals: Co-produced works shall be presented at international festivals by the majority co-producer, with mention of all co-producing countries.

Follow-up and Collaboration: A Joint Commission will be established to follow up and resolve possible difficulties and controversies. In addition, collaboration will be promoted in the coordination of observatories, archiving programs and data heritage of the sector.

Duration of the Agreement: The agreement will have an initial duration of five years, tacitly renewable for successive periods of equal duration.

This agreement represents an important step in the cultural and economic cooperation between the Dominican Republic and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay. Both countries hope that this agreement will promote the creation of high quality cinematographic and audiovisual works and foster the growth of their respective industries in a spirit of collaboration.

For more information and details about the agreement, please contact the relevant authorities in each country: the Uruguayan Film and Audiovisual Agency (ACAU) and the Directorate General of Cinema (DGCINE) of the Dominican Republic.


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