The Executive Branch issued this Friday, Decree 558-21, which establishes the regulations for the application of Law No. 340-19, of July 17, 2019, is on the incentive and promotion of cultural patronage in the Dominican Republic.
The purpose of these regulations is to establish rules, procedures, protocols and resolutions that allow the fair and adequate execution of the provisions of Law No. 340-19, which establishes the Regime for the Incentive and Encouragement of Cultural Patronage in the Dominican Republic.
Meanwhile, the Executive Branch will appoint the general director of Patronage as established in Article 14 of Law No. 340-19, who will assume the functions of managing the maintenance and updating of the archives of the DGM and CONME, appointing the technical and administrative staff that will provide services in the General Directorate of Patronage and the other bodies called upon to act as advisors.
Other functions to be performed by the director are to design, organize and execute educational campaigns and programs on the impact of patronage in the promotion and strengthening of the economy of culture, through advertising campaigns and propaganda in national and digital media.
It will also appoint three professionals of recognized qualification in their respective areas of art and culture, who will integrate specialized technical committees for the analysis, evaluation and qualification of cultural projects.
Those interested in presenting projects or proposals to Mecenazgo must submit a series of documents and requirements, including an application form accompanied by a photocopy of their identity and electoral card, an updated curriculum vitae, six 2×2 photos and one or more documents supporting any of their work, whether artistic or cultural management, in the last five years.