High-level dialogues in the Americas

On Wednesday, the “High-Level Dialogue on Climate Action in the Americas” took place, a meeting co-organized by Argentina, Barbados, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic. On behalf of Argentina, President Alberto Fernández was joined by the Ministers of Environment and Sustainable Development, Juan Cabandié, and of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, Felipe Solá, and the Secretary of Strategic Affairs, Gustavo Beliz.

The President opened the meeting saying: “We proposed this summit to approach it from a genuinely Latin American perspective. We are called today by the urgency of ambition and climate action, as well as the need to think of innovative mechanisms that allow us to rebuild ourselves better and strengthen the bonds of cooperation to take care of our territories and communities”.

In turn, he made some commitments such as:

“We will formalize at the next COP in Glasgow (the international climate change summit that will happen in early November) a 2% increase in the commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
“To achieve this we elaborated the National Plan of Adaptation and Mitigation of Climate Change together with the provinces and the actors of the whole Argentine society”.
“We put in place a transition table for the promotion of renewable energies and the development of a producer and exporter complex of clean and low-emission energies based on hydrogen.”

“Sustainable transportation is another of our priorities to reduce emissions by boosting efficiency and electrification.”
“We will also take profound measures to definitively eradicate illegal deforestation by making it an environmental crime.”

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