Ministry of Youth presents “The Young Face of History”

The Ministry of Youth, headed by Minister Rafael Jesús Féliz García, formally inaugurated the exhibition “The Young Face of History”, during a ceremony held at the Pedro Mir Library of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), in the presence of personalities linked to Dominican history and culture and special guests.

“The Young Face of History: Stories of Leadership and Courage”, an initiative of the Ministry of Youth that features a collection of artistic works aimed at empowering young Dominicans with knowledge about their patriotic heroes, will be available until November 30 at the Pedro Mir Library of the UASD. It will then move to the Sambil shopping mall from December 5 to 15 and will be taken to each province of the country.

In his speech, the Minister of Youth, made an account of young patriots in Dominican history, and emphasized that it is the function of the Ministry of Youth, in coordination with different institutions, to carry out initiatives of the category of El Rostro Joven.

He explained that “El Rostro Joven de la Historia” seeks to generate a balance between what sells on social networks and goes viral without necessarily being the positive, to, instead, make visible the commitment, firmness and patriotic values of young people like Juan Pablo Duarte, who at only 25 years of age formed La Trinitaria and La Filantrópica, key organizations for the independence struggle, as well as Gregorio Luperón or the young people who fought in the American intervention of 1965 and those of June 14, among others, said the head of Youth.

In the same vein, he indicated that it is important to know that these young people lasted all their lives defending their values and principles as a reference to follow.

Among the personalities who attended the event were the vice rector of UASD Extension, Rosalia Sosa; the president of the Permanent Commission of National Anniversaries, Juan Pablo Uribe; the former vice rector of UASD Extension, Rafael Nino Féliz; the general director of the Center of Resources for Learning and Research (CRAI), Augusto Bravo, and the photojournalist Franklin Guerrero, among others.

Since its conception, the purpose of the exhibition “The Young Face of History” has been to have an impact on thousands of young Dominicans, and to make them aware of the importance of young leadership in social struggles.

Rafael Jesús Féliz García informed that in addition to the commercial centers, the exhibition will be present in the central parks of the country, and concluded by saying that he was “proud to be a product of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD); to present an exhibition in a university that has given so many children to its people, is a great satisfaction”, he said.

Among the first provinces to enjoy “The Young Face of History” are Duarte and Hato Mayor. In addition to this, integration activities will be carried out to show the greatness and commitment of Dominican youth to their country, covering more than 30 events that marked the history of the Dominican Republic.

Easy access through innovation

In addition, the exhibition will include a QR code that will direct visitors to a sub-portal of the Ministry, where they will be able to access additional information and expand their knowledge about these historical events.

For the exhibition of the works, more than 30 historical events have been taken into account, from the formation of the La Trinitaria movement, the resistance to the Trujillo dictatorship, the June 14 movement and the April revolution, along with more recent ones, such as the fight against corruption, the Green March, the Plaza de la Bandera, highlighting in each piece that in all times and eras young people have been protagonists and voices of their homeland.

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