Writer Basilio Belliard publishes the book Círculo abierto (Open Circle)

The book Círculo abierto, essays on literature and philosophy, by the renowned Dominican poet and essayist Basilio Belliard, has been published by Ediciones AmargoRD.

In the section The flight of the word, the author refers to several topics: Shih Huang Ti, books and the Chinese wall; Memory and learning to read. Books and I; You must and the pleasures of reading; Writing, orality and the Christian gospel; Borges, books and the classics; Books and reading in quarantine; The book and life.

Under the label Letras ardientes, Belliard develops the following titles: Tormenta e ímpetu. Poesía femenina dominicana de los 80 y 90 bajo la lupa de Ester Gimbernard González; Los taníos by Manuel García Arévelo; Lengua de Lobo by Rodolfo Häsler; Enriquillo Sánchez en sus 73 abriles; “La influencia es un factor de intercambio desde un callejón de Villa Francisca hasta la última edición de El Quijote”. Dialogue between Basilio Belliard and Marcio Veloz Maggiolo.

Under the label “Letters and Culture”, the author elaborates on other topics: Culture, State and Modernity; The future of the novel; The future of the book, bookstores and reading; The grace of the writer; The books of the desert island; Manuel del Cabral; his poetic thought and his philosophical conception; History of a phantom cronopio; Domingo Moreno Jimenes: poetry as apostolate; José Mármol or the journey to transparency.

In addition, he presents on Critical reception of Julia Álvarez and Junot Díaz in the Dominican Republic; La poesía con don en Rei Berroa, Walt Whitman and pantheism; La autobiografía poética de Soledad Álvarez; Sócrates, la filosofía y la muerte; Ramón Mesa or the praise of the pictorial concept; Poetics of the Count; Passion, reason and limit in Eugenio Trías, according to Domingo de los Santos; Urbania or the sleepless city; The poetic territories of a sleepless traveler; Marcio Veloz Maggiolo, encyclopedic writer:

Likewise, there are other essays, under the heading La abstracción en el tiempo, on Modernidad y devenir del tiempo cristiano; Música, filosofía y temporalidad; Memoria y tiempo, historia y poesía; Los enemigos de la metafísica; La naturaleza, el tiempo y la historia and Tiempo y espíritu americano.

With the title Perfiles y designios. Arte y concepto, Belliard argues on different themes and authors, including José Rafael Lantigua, José Mármol, Eduardo Lantigua; Chis Visor, Ángela Hernández, Roland Barthes, Nan Chevalier, Jorge Luis Borges, Voltaire, Sergio Pitol, Rosa Silverio, Pedro Mir, Montaigne, María Zambrano, Alejandro González Luna, Marielys Duluc, Pedro Paulino, José Enrique Delmonte, William Ospina, Claribel Alegría, Pedro de Jesús Paulino, Edda Armas; Yaqui Núñez del Risco, Edda Armas, Franklin Gutiérrez, among others.

The 586-page book also compiles a series of interviews in which Belliard has expressed his thoughts on literary and cultural topics. The author held these dialogues with Karla Molina, Marlene Zertuche, Luis Reynaldo Pérez, Emilia Pereyra and Néstor Medrano.

About the author

Basilio Belliard is a Dominican poet, essayist and literary critic. He holds a doctorate in philosophy from the University of the Basque Country and is a professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo. He was assistant professor at New Mexico State University. He is a corresponding member of the Dominican Academy of Language.

He has been a guest professor at the University of Orleans, France, where his poetry anthology Revés insulares was published in a bilingual edition.

He is the author of Diario del autófago (poetry), Vuelos de la memoria (poetry and essay), La espiral sonora: Antología del poema en prosa en Santo Domingo, 1900-2000, Sueño escrito (Premio Nacional de Poesía Salomé Ureña), Balada del ermitaño y otros poemas, Los pliegues del bosque, Piel del aire, Oficio de arena (minificciones), Soberanía de la pasión (essay), Prácticas de sueños (prose poems), El imperio de la intuición (essay), Escrito en el vacío. Máximas, aforismos y sentencias and Octavio Paz o la búsqueda del presente (essays).

His poetic work appears in the personal anthologies Sed de aire (Editorial Mediaisla, and Perdido (Editorial española Amargord.

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