5 places to have a picnic in Santo Domingo

The heat that embraces the Dominican Republic is not for activities that require a lot of movement. However, going out to share with friends or family is a stimulant that generates happiness and in Santo Domingo there are options for everyone: swimming pools, shopping malls and green areas ideal for picnics.

This last option (picnic) is one of the most attractive experiences, since it can be done wherever you want: in the countryside, the beach, the swimming pool, the river, the park, the mountains, etc. And doing so involves enjoying the light, sounds, sights, wind, aromas, trees and colors that nature has to offer. Here are five incredible options for you to enjoy a morning or afternoon meal outdoors in the Dominican capital.

1. Dr. Rafael María Moscoso National Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden is one of the favorite places to have a picnic. This space located in the heart of the National District receives hundreds of people every day. Its ample vegetation and green area make the environment a comfortable and safe place to share with friends or family. To access you must go from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and to enter you must pay an economic entrance fee.

2. Mirador Sur Park

This park that runs from Luperon Avenue to Enrique Jimenez Moya Avenue covering a stretch of 6.26 kilometers represents one of the largest green areas of the city. It is a space for leisure and recreation, where you can enjoy various sports and activities such as: children’s area, ice cream parlor, food, a swimming pool for rowing boats, several fountains, sculptures, gazebos for activities, a cycling track and bicycle rental service.

A fact that few people know is that here are the Farallon Caves, which were used by the indigenous people as a settlement. A picnic here is a fun picnic because you will have many options and you will always be entertained by the dynamism around you.

3. Iberoamerica Park

The Iberoamerica Park is also called “Parque de las Luces”, inside it is located the National Conservatory of Music and the Nurin Sanlley Amphitheater. This place is also an excellent place to spend an afternoon picnic: it is illuminated, has swings, food areas, outdoor gym and a very cozy atmosphere. In addition, there is the Cueva Santa Ana, where cultural activities are sometimes held.

4. Mirador del Norte Park

Another ideal destination for a picnic is the Mirador del Norte Park, located between Hermanas Mirabal and Jacobo Majluta avenues, in Santo Domingo Norte. This natural space is a perfect destination because it offers a fresh breeze and spectacular green trees. It has an artificial lake, islands, trails, paths, viewpoints, monuments, sports areas, children’s playgrounds and picnic areas.

5. Ruins of Emgombe

The Engombe Ruins is a monument declared Dominican industrial heritage from colonial times. This space located 500 meters from the tollbooth of the 6 de Noviembre highway has a large vegetation that makes the setting a suitable place for a picnic.

Without a doubt, the city of Santo Domingo is full of beautiful places to enjoy with the whole family. With options to enjoy nature, play sports or simply a place to spend a pleasant afternoon with your friends. A picnic is always a good option because it helps all members to have fun, encourages union and dialogue, but above all it is an opportunity to instill in children the respect for nature and its value.

Source: Diariolibre.com

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