Colonial City will be a thematic and recreational place for Dominican families and tourists

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, informed that funds will be allocated to promote the Colonial City internationally, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to revitalize the tourist city and motivate domestic tourism.

In a tour to show the progress of the Integral Program for the Tourist and Urban Development of the Colonial City (PIDTUCC), Collado indicated that it will be a thematic place for leisure and recreation for Dominican families and tourists. He said that what is happening “is a silent and professional revolution”.

The program, which is being carried out in joint collaboration of the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Culture and the Mayor’s Office of the National District (ADN), aims to revitalize the Colonial City in the urban, economic and cultural tourism aspects, with financing of US$90 million from the IDB.

“We are going to have the colonial city that the Dominican Republic deserves,” expressed the minister.


With an investment of US$8 million, the Ministry of Tourism has carried out the Rehabilitation of Priority Streets project, achieving the intervention of sidewalks and curbs on Las Damas, Salomé Ureña, Las Mercedes and Arzobispo Nouel streets.

This project also seeks the rehabilitation of the water and sewage system, lighting plan, undergrounding of electrical and telecommunications networks, among others.

The project also includes a Facade Recovery program, with an execution amount of US$2 million, which will have an impact on 120 buildings.

Likewise, the revitalization and adaptation of the Santo Domingo Fortress, the Cathedral Museum, the Royal House and the Alcazar de Colon, for an amount of US$7 million.

The general coordinator of the PIDTUCC, Amín Abel Santos, indicated that the development of the second program, which is made up of 28 projects, will generate a positive impact, since the revitalization will highlight the values of the city.

Projects included in the program

The PIDTUCC seeks to increase the arrival of foreigners to the city, increase tourist spending, improve hotel occupancy rates, and reduce the percentage of inadequate housing in the northern zone.

To achieve this, it has designed a series of programs:

-Rehabilitation of Prioritized Streets.
-Facade Recovery
-Revitalization and Architectural Adequacy of the Museums.
-Temporary Protection Works for the Stabilization of the Convent of San Francisco (Las Ruinas)
-Rehabilitation of El Conde Street.
-Housing Improvement (Promevi)
-Rehabilitation of Community and Heritage Public Spaces.
-Reclamation of the Model Market
-Electrobuses or Electromobility Pilot Plan
-Parking Lot Project
Solid Waste Collection Program -Rehabilitation and Maintenance of the Municipalities
Rehabilitation and Maintenance of the Public Lighting Installations in the Colonial City -Program to Support Micro and Small Businesses in the Colonial City
Program to Support Micro and Small Businesses (PAM) in Colonial City -Program to Support Micro and Small Businesses (PAM) in Colonial City
-Formulation of a Local Development Strategy.
Competitive Fund for New Tourism-Oriented Micro-enterprises
-Human Capital Training Program
-Urban Cultural Offering Program
Disaster Risk Management Plan for the Colonial City -Strengthening of Disaster Risk Management Mechanisms for the Colonial City
-Strengthening of Existing Management Mechanisms
One-Stop Service Window
-Promoting the Promotion of the Colonial City and Destination Management.
-Wayfinding” Pedestrian Guidance System and Tourist Routes
-Institutional Strengthening
-Environmental and Social Management Plan (PGAS).
-Community Center.


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