Rainieri announces his three most immediate action plans

The founder of the Puntacana Group said Tuesday that he has three personal priorities on his hands. Frank Rainieri was asked about his current occupation and replied that he was focused on three projects that will keep him entertained for a while. Although retired, Rainieri is still active in GPC, advising CEO Frank Elías and his daughters in the various open fronts that the leading Dominican tourism company has in the country.

The promoter of Punta Cana unveiled his three short-term action plans during a forum organized by Mercado magazine at the Westin hotel and attended by a large representation of tourism and banking companies. Also in attendance was the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, who had an outstanding intervention in an emotional act in which father Rainieri told how he carried out the transmission of powers to his son, both focused on the stage.

The three current occupations of Frank Rainieri are the following, as he emphasized in this forum: to prepare the third generation, to start a Dominican Cultural Center and to write his memoirs. He has visited several countries this summer with the grandchildren so that they can get to know the world and the Cultural Center will be launched soon in collaboration with the León Jimenes. As for his memoirs, he indicated that he will write them but has not started them yet. He is an active businessman, he is not lacking in work and occupation.

Source: Arecoa

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