Abinader delivers 186 Familia Feliz homes

President Abinader delivered 186 new two and three-bedroom apartments of the National Plan of Happy Family Housing, developed by the Ministry of the Presidency, in a public-private alliance.

Of these, 145 are low-cost and 41 are social housing. Another 160 units will be built in this demarcation. By 2024, the government will build more than 9,000 decent housing units in different parts of the country.

“Our commitment as a government is to continue making more happy families and materializing the dream of thousands of Dominicans to have their own home,” said the Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos.

For today’s project, located in the Marto II residential development, the government contributed DR 37 million in subsidies, through the Bono Inicial, Bono Itbis, Bono Tasa 7 Años, Bono Mujer, saving more than 1,400,000 pesos per family at the time of acquiring their own home. The construction company contributed another DR 400 million.

Supervises construction of regional hospital

Similarly, the president, together with the Minister of Housing and Buildings, Carlos Bonilla, supervised the construction of the San Vicente de Paúl Regional University Hospital, whose first stage will be delivered in the summer of this 2024 and will be completed by the end of the year or early 2025.

“It is going to be a great hospital. A regional hospital, even, with facilities in national specialties”, and it will have 19 Intensive Care (ICU) beds, 11 operating rooms and some 320 hospital beds, explained the head of state.

The investment made is DR 9,326 million, including equipment, and will generate close to 6,000 direct jobs.

In another order, the president highlighted that other needs of decades are being attended in this province, in which the asphalting plan has already begun and sidewalks and curbs have been built in 40% of the neighborhoods that required it. Likewise, the Seventh Army Brigade will be installed in the fortress which is under construction.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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