Abinader inaugurates Nuevo Domingo Savio

President Luis Abinader inaugurated this Sunday the Nuevo Domingo Savio project, with the purpose of revitalizing and recovering the banks of the Ozama River, directly impacting more than 43,000 residents of two of the most popular and dense sectors of the country, La Ciénaga and Los Guandules in the National District, in an area covering 112 hectares.

This comprehensive project seeks to improve the quality of life of these communities by creating infrastructure, sports facilities, public spaces and essential services.

In his speech, the President highlighted the project as an example in several ways. First of all, the President emphasized that the Government chose to give continuity to the work, initially with a design of 15% or 20% and immediately committing itself to move forward, for which it provided all the necessary support.

President Luis Abinader stressed that this project serves as a national model for addressing vulnerability and transforming it into security. He emphasized the ecological benefits of transforming a polluted river into a cleaner system, also highlighting the importance of citizen security and protection against cyclones and heavy rains.

“This is an ecologically beneficial project; we had a whole river that was polluted and to go from this is an example of being able to have a much cleaner system from the ecological point of view,” said President Abinader.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration in a public-private alliance and, addressing URBE, the head of state recognized the positive impact of its success and urged them to continue working in favor of the country in other areas.

The governor praised the empowerment of the community, highlighting their ability to move forward and improve while defending their rights.

He highlighted the role of the mayor’s office of the National District, led by Mayor Carolina Mejía, in unifying all sectors.

The President expressed his pride in the work of the Dominican people and concluded by highlighting the importance of consensus and joint work for the advancement of the DR.

He stressed the need to continue reaching agreements on development models and projects to achieve a country with a better quality of life, more opportunities and environmentally sustainable development.

“I am proud of the work of the Dominican people; that is how, with that consensus and that work, is how the DR advances.”

Work with a vision for the future

The Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, affirmed that this work, with a vision of the future, reflects the commitment of the Dominican Government with the policy of continuity of the State assumed by the present administration.

Referring to the continuity policy of Luis Abinader’s government, he noted that this project, which integrates the Los Guandules and La Ciénaga neighborhoods, began in 2017 and due to its social impact, the president approved its continuation and development.

Santos highlighted the three essential pillars of the project: relocation of people in vulnerable areas, strengthening of local connectivity and construction of facilities to improve the quality of life of more than 45,000 inhabitants.

URBE Director

José Miguel González Cuadra, executive director of the Executive Unit for the Readjustment of Neighborhoods and Environments (URBE), emphasized that the Nuevo Domingo Savio is not only an urban development project, but a project that settles an outstanding debt with thousands of families.

“The commitment assumed by the State so that every Dominican man and woman has the right to a dignified life and better opportunities for their families, constitutes a fundamental axis in this work that we deliver to you today, Mr. President”, said González Cuadra.

He also expressed his gratitude for the political will of President Luis Abinader, as well as the accompaniment of the inhabitants and highlighted the project as a model of social and human transformation, vital for the environmental regeneration of the Ozama River basin, accompanied by the design of processes for the integral management of solid waste.

“Today we are all witnesses of a model project in the process of social and human transformation; an initiative that was able to materialize thanks to the political will of President Abinader’s administration as well as the accompaniment of the inhabitants of these two sectors, hardworking and honest people committed to the collective welfare of their community.”

Mayor Carolina Mejía described the new construction as a transforming work.

She considered that President Abinader has demonstrated his statesmanship with the completion of this work. She also said that the new sports center will have great significance for the future of the city and the country.

Relocated families

As part of this initiative, 2,500 families, equivalent to a total of 8,800 people, have been relocated from areas exposed to flooding from the Ozama River, thus improving the living conditions of these previously vulnerable and at-risk communities.

Domingo Savio Project

The project, protected by Paseo del Rio Avenue, includes a 4-lane road that acts as a barrier against river pollution.

Recreational parks

Along this road, recreational parks, a baseball stadium, three sports fields and a 3,250 m2 sports center have been created. This is one of the most important elements of the project.

Sustainable fishing

La Ballena Nuevo Domingo Savio Park promotes sustainable fishing and the Ricardo Carty residential street has been revitalized.

Day care center

A day home of the National Council for the Aging Person (Conape) has been incorporated, with a daily capacity to house between 150 and 200 people simultaneously. A National Police detachment and another for the Navy are also in the bidding process.

New Domingo Savio Corridor

In collaboration with the Oficina Metropolitana de Servicios de Autobuses (OMSA), a new bus corridor has been established to promote sustainable urban mobility in connection with the Santo Domingo Cable Car and the Santo Domingo Metro.

President Luis Abinader was accompanied by former President Hipólito Mejía; Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos; Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza; Minister of Interior and Police, Jesús (Chu) Vásquez, and Minister of Mived, Carlos Bonilla. Also, the director of Customs, Eduardo Sanz Lovatón; the director of the National Police, Ramón Antonio Guzmán, and of Codopesca, Carlos José Then; as well as the general commander of the Navy of the DR, vice admiral Agustín Morillo Rodríguez; senator Antonio Taveras and the governor of Santo Domingo, Julia Drullard.

In addition, the Vice Minister for Dominican Communities Abroad, Carlos de la Mota, and the Consul of the DR in Miami, Geanilda Vásquez.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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