Abinader heads the inauguration of the Boulevard of the Dominican Abroad

In a ceremony headed by the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, the Santo Domingo East City Hall (ASDE) inaugurated the Boulevard of the Dominican Abroad, where tribute is paid to the Dominicans who represent the country in different parts of the world.

Mayor Manuel Jiménez valued the work of the Dominicans abroad and affirmed that this work enhances Villa Duarte.

At the event, President Abinader and Mayor Manuel Jimenez unveiled busts representing outstanding Dominicans abroad in the fields of sports, culture, social work, political leadership, education, health and other areas.

In the center of the monument are the busts paying homage to María Montez, known as the “Queen of Technicolor”, who was the most outstanding Dominican actress in the so-called “Golden Age” of Hollywood.

Dr. Rafael Lantigua, a physician graduated in internal medicine and endocrinology at the UASD, who began his career in 1985 in the United States, where he has excelled at the Presbyterian Hospital, as well as being a leader in the Department of Community Health at Columbia University in New York.

Also, Mario de Jesús Báez, who was an outstanding composer and music publisher with more than 300 songs interpreted by world-class artists, and Felipe Rojas Alou, the first Dominican to play regularly in the Major Leagues.

The public will also enjoy a bust of Francisco Pachín Ramírez, an outstanding Dominican community leader in Puerto Rico since 1963; engineer and builder.

Also, Mercedes Lourdes Frias, politician and community activist, the first Dominican to reach the Italian Chamber of Deputies.

The Boulevard of the Dominican Abroad is located on Mirador del Este Street, between España Avenue and the Columbus Lighthouse.

This space is part of the policy of creation of the municipal identity of Santo Domingo East and is located in its tourist and cultural area.

Lunch with community members

The President also met with community members of District 3 of the National District, to whom he assured during a brief speech that the doors of the Government are always open to talk and solve the problems of the community.

He affirmed that this government administration has demonstrated “that the chelitos yield”.

“No matter how much the opposition talks, there are the results in health, education, low crime, the titling programs, more housing and the doubling of social assistance”, said the head of state.

He announced that titling will be carried out in La Ciénaga and Los Guandules and other areas of District 3.

President Luis Abinader was accompanied by former President Hipólito Mejía; the Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos; the Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza; the Minister of Interior and Police, Jesús (Chu) Vásquez, and the Minister of Mived, Carlos Bonilla. Also, the director of Customs, Eduardo Sanz Lovatón; the director of the National Police, Ramón Antonio Guzmán, and of Codopesca, Carlos José Then; as well as the general commander of the Navy of the DR, vice admiral Agustín Morillo Rodríguez; senator Antonio Taveras and the governor of Santo Domingo, Julia Drullard.

In addition, the Vice Minister for Dominican Communities Abroad, Carlos de la Mota, and the Consul of the DR in Miami, Geanilda Vásquez.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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