Adompretur recognized journalistic work in a successful and successful PEL 2023

The Dominican Association of Tourism Press (Adompretur) successfully celebrated the XIX edition of the Epifanio Lantigua National Tourism Journalism Award (PEL 2023), in which journalist Mayelin Acosta Guzmán won the Grand Prize for her series of articles on Saona Island published in the newspaper Hoy.

Acosta Guzmán, who has been a journalist for 15 years, also won in the “Written Press” category.

Yenny Polanco Lovera, president of Adompretur, said that at the PEL “we are celebrating the preservation of the natural resources that God has given to this prodigious land, and which are defended and protected by state and non-governmental organizations that have made this their life mission”.

In his speech, he also congratulated the 29 participants competing in the 11 categories of this award, who “show us the diversity of attractions that this country has for the enjoyment of tourists and visitors, but also put us on alert about social issues that we must improve to raise the quality of our offerings”.

He affirmed that it is a mission that Adompreturse feels identified with because “in its 46 years of institutional life, it continues to promote in its membership the valuable message that ethics, service and dedication must always prevail as fundamental axes of our profession”.

He also called on the government and the private sector to “unite in forceful actions so that our country is instructed in the correct driving, and in the proper signaling of all our streets and avenues, in order to avoid traffic accidents”.

In that order, he said that Adompretur proposes to carry out a campaign that impacts the entire population to guarantee our tourists and visitors an unforgettable stay, with the flavor, joy and hospitality that only we Dominicans know how to offer.

Polanco Lovera pointed out that the works presented were evaluated by professionals and renowned academics in the field of journalism.

The ceremony held in the auditorium of the National Police in Santo Domingo was attended by Joel Santos, Minister of the Presidency; David Llibre, president of Asonahores; Héctor Porcella, general director of the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC); the ambassador of Guatemala, Javier Cepeda, among other personalities from the tourism, business and social sectors.

Santos emphasized the importance of tourism for the economy of the Dominican Republic because it has a positive impact on all sectors, and thanked those who have contributed to the specialization of the tourism press.


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