Indrhi highlights comprehensive intervention in Bajo Yuna

As part of the actions for the efficient management of water, the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi) is developing a comprehensive intervention in the lower basin of the Yuna River, covering the provinces of Duarte, María Trinidad Sánchez and Samaná, with works for the rehabilitation of roads, canals, drainage and adaptation of banks for protection.

Its executive director, Olmedo Caba Romano, emphasized that this set of works protects the inhabitants and agricultural production from possible floods in this region of high rainfall.

Caba Romano made these statements during a supervisory tour of the different projects, starting in Duarte province, where he observed the progress in the rehabilitation of roads being carried out in the municipalities of San Francisco de Macorís and Eugenio María de Hostos.

He emphasized the beginning of the construction of the Yuna River in the municipality of Villa Riva, which includes 200 meters of discontinuous sections to protect the community of Reventazón; and in the municipality of Arenoso, where walls will be built on both banks of the river to protect the community of Los Platanitos.

In the province of María Trinidad Sánchez, the official said that progress is being made on 2 kilometers of walls on the banks of the Helechal and Riote rivers to channel the waters towards the main drainage of the Nagua river, of which the first stage of 2 kilometers has been completed to handle larger volumes of water. The project, in its full dimension, impacts some 15,000 cultivated rice fields for the direct benefit of 320 users and their families.

He also said that work is also underway to complete the rehabilitation of the main canals in Aglipo I and II, with the replacement of concrete walls and floodgate systems, thus avoiding water loss due to infiltration and optimizing its distribution. He also emphasized the construction of several culverts in this important productive demarcation.

In the municipal district of Las Gordas, in the municipality of Nagua, the adaptation of the Boba River is being completed with the reinforcement of its gabion walls, providing protection to some 4,000 families in the communities of Canta la Rana, Tizón, Palometa, Quebrada Amarilla, among other nearby communities.

Likewise, in the municipality of Sanchez, Samana province, the Indrhi intervened more than 20 kilometers of drainage with amphibious excavator for maintenance of the La Ceja, Andres, Teleferico and Cambron I and II canals, benefiting irrigation in some 16,000 rice fields and incorporating another 8,000 to the agricultural production of the El Palmar Nuevo project.

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