An initiative of the Environment Ministry
The Information and Communication Center (CICOM) unveiled the tourism project Eco-routes
(Ecorutas) to the sector’s leading tour operators and travel agents, created by the Environment Ministry to promote the use of recovered and replenished ecosystems of great value for the communities and for local and foreign tourists.
Jaime David Fernández Mirabal, the environment minister and Quiterio Cedeño, CICOM president headed the press conference to launch the project.
The first step of the three eco-routes tourism project that form part of a wide range of natural, cultural and social attractions, in areas adequate for environment-friendly activities, was presented during the meeting.
One of he objectives is to integrate the communities to the three eco-routes and benefit from tourism featuring land and marine ecosystems, flora and fauna species, geologic and landscape characteristics, archaeological and historical resources of great value, and which in most in cases weren’t adequate for the use or weren’t readily accessible to the public.