SD becomes the capital of Ibero-America on March 24 and 25

The Dominican Republic wants to take advantage  of the media spotlight to consolidate outbound tourism from Ibero-American countries.

The Dominican Republic wants to take advantage of its status as host of the XXVIII Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government to reinforce its tourism image.

Santo Domingo will receive, from March 24 to 25, dignitaries from 22 Ibero-American countries: Andorra, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Uruguay and Venezuela.SD Capital de Iberoamerica

The colonial city, and the country in general, will monopolize numerous spaces in the media around the world, and there are already more than 61 accredited media and press agencies, including Al Jazeera, CNN, EFE, Reuters, Associated Press, Europa Press or Agence France-Press.

“In this week, in a certain sense, Santo Domingo becomes the Ibero-American capital, in a symbolic but important way”, emphasized Roberto Alvarez, Minister of Foreign Affairs, in a press conference.

The summit, the first to be held normally since 2019, will not only be an opportunity to “strengthen the dialogue between countries”, but also to achieve repercussion among some of the main issuing markets to the Dominican Republic such as Argentina (5th largest issuer in 2019), Spain (7th), Puerto Rico (9th) or Colombia (10th).

In addition to the Four Charters to be jointly signed – Environmental, Digital Principles and Rights, Food Security Strategy and Special Communiqué on International Financial Architecture – numerous bilateral meetings are scheduled to take place that may translate into cooperation and investment agreements in other areas, including tourism.


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