Dominican Republic and China sign second economic and technical cooperation agreement

The Government of the Dominican Republic and China signed this Monday the second economic and technical cooperation agreement, motivated by the desire to further develop friendly relations and economic and technical cooperation between the two countries.

According to a press release, the agreement was signed by the Dominican Minister of Economy, Miguel Ceara Hatton, and the Chinese Ambassador, Zhang Run, for a non-refundable amount of two hundred million RMB yuan, destined to finance future projects agreed between both parties.

With the signing of the Economic and Technical Cooperation agreement, a new stage of collaboration between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Dominican Republic begins, which, as well as the processes developed between both nations, will be guided by respect for sovereignty and the interest in continuing to carry out initiatives prioritized by both nations and for the benefit of both nations, says the note.

Ceara Hatton stated that the COVID-19 pandemic invited the governments to think about the people, defining policies, programs and projects that place them at the center, while responding to their basic needs and the integral creation of opportunities.

“In this regard, we are aware that in order to respond to these needs we must count on the solidarity of our sister nations. This is an appropriate occasion to express our gratitude for the constant efforts made for the benefit of the Dominican nation, through the various mechanisms that the Government of China has made available to collaborate with the country,” he said.

Ambassador Run said that China’s assistance abroad corresponds to the concept of South-South cooperation, which aims to help other developing countries to reduce poverty, improve the welfare of the people, reduce the gap and the deficit of development between North and South and promote the construction of a community of shared future.

He indicated that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, China has provided assistance to the Dominican Republic in the donation of 40 trucks, updating of the 9-1-1 system, emergency cash assistance for the fight against drought, food aid to the border provinces through the World Food Program and donation of motorcycles to the military forces.

As well as the donation of anti-epidemic materials, medical equipment and vaccines and facilities for the acquisition of vaccines for the fight against COVID-19.

He emphasized that the signing of this agreement “is another sign of the growing consolidation of bilateral relations between the two countries” and that they are willing to continue working in favor of the Dominican Republic to strengthen cooperation in all fields, on the principles of respect, mutual benefit and “win-win” for the benefit of our peoples.

At the signing ceremony held at the premises of the Ministry of Economy were José Ramón Holguín, Vice Minister of Governmental Follow-up and Coordination of the Ministry of the Presidency; Olaya Dotel, Vice Minister of International Cooperation of Economy; Betty Gerónimo, president of the Dominican-Chinese Parliamentary Friendship Group and deputy for the province of Santo Domingo Norte.

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