“We prioritize environmental integration and social welfare in a competitive environment.”

Adriana Cisneros, CEO of the Cisneros Organization, explained in Tropicalia’s 2022 Sustainability Report, that the strategy for achieving an inclusive business in the tourism industry and real estate sector is to prioritize environmental integration and social well-being in a competitive environment.

“The report chronicles our sustainability journey, detailing the year’s milestones and how we mitigate risks and maximize the person, planet and company in the long term,” he said.

She reported that “faced with the demands of a new ultra-competitive market combined with the realities of climate change, Tropicalia provides an innovative solution that demonstrates that real estate tourism development can serve to generate positive impacts on the environment”.

The also president of the Cisneros Foundation, said that “a Sustainability Strategy as a fundamental pillar of our daily management based on four key commitments to Integral Business, Sustainable Design, Environmental Balance and Community Development.”

“In 2022, our Sustainable Strategy was once again aligned with the requirements of the Inter-American Development Bank. In this second round of due diligence with IDB Invest, we further refined our business model from 2017 and made significant progress on our environmental and social management structure, resulting in a loan approval of up to US$146.4 million for our initial phase of development, which includes a 95-room resort and 25 residential units,” he emphasized.

He added that “during 2022, international tourism continued its recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic. Notably, the Dominican Republic achieved an all-time record for international tourist arrivals, demonstrating its resilience in the midst of challenges.”

“In parallel, we also discovered that we can drive growth while fostering positive change in the Miches community by prioritizing the environmental, social and design aspects of our project that set us apart from our competitors,” he said.

Source: Arecoa

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