Tenth Dominican Gastronomic Forum to be held

The gastronomic community of the RD is preparing to receive the X Dominican Gastronomic Forum, an event organized by the Sabores Dominicanos Foundation, which will take place next Saturday, March 23 at the Aula Magna of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD).

The president of the entity, Bolivar Troncoso Morales, expressed that the central theme of this edition will be “Dominican Gastronomy: Identity and Evolution” in the search to continue contributing to the valuation and preservation of our Dominican culinary legacy.

Event details

The event will feature a diverse agenda of conferences and panels, starting with: “Enhancing the Dominican Gastronomic Identity through positioning and marketing strategies,” by Argentine marketer Juan Dean, who will explore trends in gastronomy and the influence of marketing strategies on cultural identity.

X Foro GastronómicoThe panel “Exploring native products and culinary fusions in the Insular Caribbean” will also be held with the purpose of highlighting the need to rescue native ingredients and traditional culinary techniques that define the Dominican identity, which leads to a greater appreciation of local cuisine. Troncoso will be joined by sociologist Carlos Andújar and Pedro Ureña Rib, a researcher in Caribbean cultures.

Another conference is called “The influence of Oriental gastronomy in the Dominican identity”, led by the founder of Chinatown, Rosa Ng, who will explore the flavors, techniques and oriental dishes that have enriched Dominican cuisine over time.

Nutrition and Tradition

Erika Pérez Lara will address the relationship between nutrition and tradition to maintain a healthy balance without losing identity.

Chef Carlos Estévez will share his experiences on how Dominican cuisine can contribute to environmental, social and economic sustainability, and how the actors involved can work together to promote a more sustainable future in the country’s gastronomy.

Renowned chefs María Marte and Catherine Lemoine will participate in a discussion along with other experts, where they will explore topics such as experimentation with local ingredients and the fusion of traditional dishes with modern techniques and presentations, in order to raise the profile of Dominican cuisine nationally and internationally.

The Dominican Gastronomic Forum is an annual event that offers a space for integration, training, research and analysis, bringing together an average of one thousand people each year, with an active integration of chefs, restaurateurs, gastronomy experts, industry authorities, journalists, academics, students and teachers from the main schools of hospitality, gastronomy and tourism in the country.

Source: Arecoa.com

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