Ministry of Public Health remodeling and modernizing its pharmacy

The Ministry of Public Health presented the remodeled and modernized Pharmacy of the Dirección de Acceso a Medicamentos de Alto Costo (DAMAC) which operates at the Hospital Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, with an investment of DR 1,600,000, during a ceremony headed by the Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera.

Delivering the keynote address at the event, Dr. Rivera noted that this project is the result of a public-private partnership, in which medicines are stored and delivered correctly, “guaranteeing an adequate cold chain and complying with safety standards”.

He indicated that it also has good logistics and inventory management to ensure quick and timely availability of medicines.

“This pharmacy now has an area for depositing and managing the renewal of medical records, avoiding the transfer of patients to the headquarters of the Dirección de Acceso a Medicamentos de Alto, in response to President Luis Abinader’s vision of reducing bureaucracy for our citizens,” the official said.

He took the opportunity to highlight the support given by President Abinader to the High Cost Medicines Program, by increasing its budget to DR 8 billion and his directives that it be expanded to include more patients.

The Health Minister emphasized that the remodeled pharmacy is a dignified space for patients to cover their health care needs, “also having a positive impact on their families”.

Dr. Rivera pointed out that the pharmacy is a clear response to the nation’s commitment to accompany patients with diseases such as hemophilia and cancer, among others, as well as transplant recipients, in order to reduce their out-of-pocket expenses and ensure their safe and timely treatment.

On her side, the director of DAMAC, Dr. Karen Cepeda, highlighted that with the refurbishment of this pharmacy, the strengthening and improvement of the processes of the High Cost Medicines Program continues, thanks to the support of President Luis Abinader, the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, and the Vice-Minister of Collective Health, Dr. Eladio Pérez.

He indicated that DAMAC’s collaborators are oriented to provide the service with empathy to the beneficiaries of the Program.

The country manager of Roche Dominicana, Fernando Víquez, expressed his happiness for the support of the private sector for the refurbishment of the pharmacy.

Meanwhile, the director of the Hospital Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, Dr. Mabel Jones, expressed her satisfaction for the good conditions of the remodeled pharmacy, and thanked the Minister of Public Health for responding in time to the needs of the patients.

The activity was also attended by representatives of the laboratories Oscar Renta Negrón, Mallén Guerra and Roche: Carlos Leroux, José Ricardo Leroux, Álvaro Martínez, José Mallén, Francisco Mallén, Elías Julia, María Saldaña, Yasiris Ramírez and Raira Camejo, as well as the vice-minister of Collective Health, Dr. Eladio Pérez, and of Strengthening and Development of the Health Sector, Miguel Rodríguez Viñas.

Also present were the director of the Hemophiliacs Foundation, Aydee Benoit; the director of PROMESE/CAL, engineer Adolfo de León, and the director of Medicines and Supplies of the National Health Service, Omar García.


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