The President of the Board of Directors of the National Commission for the Defense of Competition (ProCompetencia), María Elena Vásquez Taveras, and a high-level commission from the Dominican Republic are participating in the Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum, which is being held in Quito, Ecuador.
The event is coordinated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), during September 27-29 of this year.
The Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum is one of the most important events for the international community in this area, held annually. On this occasion, international experts shared their experience in the application of competition law in the region, addressing topics of special relevance such as competition and poverty; tools for a competition policy with a gender perspective and competition and sport.
In addition, the Report of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Latin America was presented. The most important focal point of the day was the peer review of competition law and policy, which was conducted in the Dominican Republic.
The peer review is an instrument to evaluate the country’s policies, strategies and activities and their effectiveness in meeting its social and economic objectives in accordance with international best practices in competition law.
The Dominican Republic’s competition law and policy standards were evaluated by its American peers. In this regard, representatives from Costa Rica evaluated the institutional aspects; Chilean technicians reviewed the advocacy issues and our Mexican peers evaluated the competition advocacy aspects.
The defense of this review of the competition regulations and policies of the Dominican Republic was led by the president of the Board of Directors of ProCompetencia, María Elena Vásquez Taveras, who in her introductory remarks presented the historical and institutional aspects, as well as those related to the Board of Directors and institutional policy; the executive director, Fior D’aliza Alduey, was addressing the issues related to competition advocacy, while José Beltré, director of advocacy and promotion of competition, addressed the issues related to this topic. Mr. Pedro Montilla, deputy legal advisor to the Executive Branch, took his turn to express to the plenary the Dominican State’s commitment to the development of competition law and institutions in the Dominican Republic.
This peer review represents a great step forward for the country and an important milestone in the history of competition advocacy in the Dominican Republic, since its results will give us a clear diagnosis of where we are and where we should go to be in line with the best international practices in competition law and policy, which would translate into greater economic growth for all Dominicans.