The “Ruta de la Salud: Cambia tu Estilo de Vida” is an initiative that should be replicated, because of the message it brings to the population to induce lifestyle changes, suggested this Friday the country representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Alba María Ropero, while participating in the event along with the Minister of Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, and authorities of the municipality of Baní.
Here, Minister Daniel Rivera declared that 2,300,000 people have been impacted by this initiative and pointed out that in the province of Peravia, the study of Overweight, Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension (SODHIP) showed a result of 32.1% in hypertension, 56.6% in overweight and obesity and 18.2% in hyperglycemia, which is why it is necessary to continue promoting health.
The minister invited the inhabitants of the different municipalities of Peravia to maintain their health and to consume food in a healthy way in terms of its preparation. He said that in this way they avoid diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and related complications, he also called to stay active and exercise.
In addition, he referred to the innovation made by the government of President Luis Abinader in mental health. “We are advancing by leaps and bounds for the benefit of the population; this has been recognized internationally and the achievements continue because that is the vision of our president, that the health of the Dominican population be the priority.”
He called to complete the vaccination schedule to those who have not done it and especially to the population at risk to apply the vaccine against influenza which is applied in the day in execution by the Ministry of Public Health, which, in less than 20 days has managed to apply more than 30,000 to the target population.
The province of Peravia received with great enthusiasm the day, which was held for the second time in this locality and benefited with more than 35 services in various areas of health.
Aspects such as the organization, the specialized services for different segments of the population, the talks and other actions were valued by Dr. Alba María Ropero, who said that she did not know of strategies of this nature in the countries of the region.
A celebration of health, a praiseworthy and courageous initiative.
“This is a celebration in honor of health; it is impressive the welcome of the population, of the team that works and to see how a minister travels through all the provinces, motivating, educating and teaching how to stay healthy. This is a marvel that must be applauded and written down so that it remains in the history of the Dominican Republic”, said Ropero.
Earlier in the morning, Dr. Rivera offered general consultation, cardiometabolic evaluation, orientation and referrals to those who came seeking medical attention.
“Prevention, promotion and education is what can most benefit a country and lead it to be healthy. We want everyone to participate in the Health Route. Today we completed 30 Routes throughout the country. There are more than 35 services that we are making available to the entire population,” said the Minister of Health.
Meanwhile, the provincial director of Health, Dr. Adis Margarita Sánchez Pujols, expressed her gratitude for the return of the Health Route to this locality and valued the great commitment of the authorities in carrying out this journey that offers quality services to the population. “Thanks to President Luis Abinader and Dr. Daniel Rivera, our country has the right to quality health”.
Meanwhile, the senator of the province of Peravia, Milciades Franjul, highlighted the importance of this day having returned to this demarcation and emphasized the great work carried out by the authorities of the ministry in bringing health to the citizens. He also described as important and with great benefits the National Strategic Health Plan 2030, in which the country will have better changes in everything related to the health of Dominicans.
“Ruta de la Salud: Cambia tu Estilo de Vida” (Health Route: Change your Lifestyle).
The Health Route is being held at the Vocational School of the Armed Forces this Friday 13 and Saturday 14 and has the coordination of the Directorates of Risk Management and Disaster Attention, Provincial Health, the collaboration of the Vice-Presidency of the Republic, the Office of the First Lady, Essential Medicines Program and Central Logistical Support (Promese/cal), National Health Service (SNS) and National Health Insurance (SeNaSa), among other public and private institutions.