The National Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DINAC) and the National Secretariat of Tourism (SENATUR) recognized the ambassador of the Dominican Republic in Paraguay, Manuel Ernesto Polanco Salvador, for his important work in the realization of the new air route between Santo Domingo and Asunción, through the airline ARAJET.
Thanks to the outstanding work of the diplomat in the cooperation work and aspects related to the air connection between the Dominican Republic and Paraguay, ARAJET will be able to start operations in the country in November.
The Minister of SENATUR, Sofía Montiel de Afara and the President of DINAC, Félix Kanazawa presented a plaque of recognition to the ambassador where they highlighted the effort and dedication in strengthening the ties between both countries through this unprecedented air route.
The ambassador thanked for the recognition and emphasized that it is a duty to be a channel so that new doors of commercial, touristic and cultural exchange opportunities can be opened between the two nations.
The recognition ceremony took place during the presentation of the first Tourism Investment Guide of Paraguay by SENATUR in the presence of diplomatic authorities, public and private sector and tourism referents.