The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, through the Directorate of Environmental Regulation, launched the project Formation Process of the National Action Plan for the Integral Management of Marine Waste, with the purpose of curbing the deterioration of the marine ecosystem and ocean pollution, in compliance with Law 225-20 on the General Law on Integral Management and Co-processing of Solid Waste.
This project seeks to establish a roadmap with specific actions to address the issue of marine waste in the country, as well as the development of a technical regulation in accordance with the provisions of the Solid Waste Law, its implementing regulations and other legal and technical provisions in force in the country.
To implement this project, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, within the framework of the Free Trade Agreement between the United States, Central America and the Dominican Republic (DR CAFTA), supported by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its partner Battelle, asked a local NGO, the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), for support for the Integrated Management of Marine Waste, with the contribution of all key public and private actors, in order to establish the roadmap.
Among the actions to be implemented in the plan is the preparation of a diagnosis that will consist of a review of the legal and institutional framework for solid and liquid waste management in the Dominican Republic, including a literature review and information gathering.
Also, a mapping of actors involved in the management of solid waste and wastewater will be carried out, the proposed content of the Action Plan for Marine Waste Management will be defined and future events will be programmed.
Similarly, a consultation and formulation phase will be carried out, which will be built in a participatory process based on the contributions of all stakeholders, where the experiences and proposals of each one will be collected. And finally, the final phase of presentation and validation of the plan.