Environment to improve surveillance centers in protected areas of Puerto Plata and Montecristi

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN), with the cooperation of the Rosaida González Foundation, began work to restore the control and surveillance centers of the park rangers located in Estero Hondo, Cabarete Lagoon and Goleta.

Within the alliance, which seeks to integrate citizen commitment with the protection of the areas, the foundation will assume the construction and technical supervision of the centers, while the State will provide the resources.

The goal of the Vice-Ministry of Protected Areas includes repairing or building, where necessary, all the control and surveillance centers in the country’s protected areas.

“The construction of these centers nationwide responds to a plan focused on enabling spaces and providing equipment to facilitate the work of park rangers in all protected areas,” explained Franco.

In Estero Hondo, this includes the refurbishment of the old park ranger house as a camping center that includes adequate solid waste management.

“We believe that this collaboration represents a deep commitment to a sustainable future and a more just society,” explained Rosaida González, president of the foundation that bears her name.

“By joining this initiative, we not only protect our valuable natural resources, but also provide employment and opportunities for local communities, allowing them to be stewards of nature and improve their living conditions,” she said.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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