INFOTEP and CIDE to promote the development of professional technical training in the DR

The Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional (INFOTEP) and the Consorcio Internacional de Desarrollo en Educación (CIDE) signed an agreement establishing the basis for the design of actions aimed at promoting vocational technical training in the Dominican Republic.

The agreement, which will be in force for three years, was signed by the general director of INFOTEP, Rafael Santos Badía and the general director of CIDE, Serge Blondeau, and its objective is to advise on the acquisition of technology, as well as the collection of data on graduates of vocational training, among other actions.

Santos Badía explained that both the agreement and the CIDE’s evaluation process are part of the recommendations of the Great National Consultation on the Future of Technical Vocational Training, after a process of different consultations with all sectors of the country.

As part of the agreement, several projects will be developed, the first of which is the “Strengthening of INFOTEP’s Institutional Effectiveness”, through which CIDE will support the institution in the process of updating and expanding its training services, as well as internationalization to modernize INFOTEP’s services.

CIDE will also work with INFOTEP in the implementation of a labor market observatory and will advise on the acquisition of 4.0 technology and digital transformation in the institution.

For this process, the international entity will carry out technical studies especially regarding platforms, software, robots, hologram, simulators, among others.

All the processes will be carried out to speed up the digital transformation required by the institution and, in this way, respond to the changes demanded by the advances in science, technology, new forms of energy and the requirements to support climate change efforts.

This agreement is the result of a week of evaluation carried out to different processes of INFOTEP, by a commission of CIDE, in which participated the international expert and advisor to the governing body of vocational training in the country, Lorenzo Guadamuz.


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