Infotep will train evaluators of the National Quality Award for the Private Sector

The Instituto Nacional de Formación Técnico Profesional (Infotep), joins the National Quality Award of the Private Sector through an agreement, through which it will train the evaluators of this award organized by the Asociación Nacional de Empresas e Industrias de Herrera (National Association of Companies and Industries of Herrera).

The deputy general director of Infotep, Maira Morla, stressed that this is the highest recognition, at the national level, which is awarded to the quality management and excellence of Dominican companies engaged in the production of goods and services in the country.

“This award is an important milestone in the consolidation of the sustained efforts of the private sector in the search for and maintenance of excellence, through innovation and continuous improvement in the production of goods and services,” said Morla.

César Nicolás Penson, director of the National Quality Award of the Private Sector, said that the training of the evaluators is a milestone coinciding with the sixth version of this award, the highest award given to companies and industries in the Dominican Republic, regardless of whether they are MSMEs or large companies.

“The fact that it is a luxury Infotep, with first world teaching resources and fully aware of its role in national development, responsible for the training of the body of evaluators of the companies applying for the award, fills us with pride and satisfaction,” he said.

Infotep will be in charge of training, in the first course, 24 evaluators from all over the country, who will measure the compliance of quality standards of the applicants to the National Quality Award, with the Malcolm Baldrige model of excellence in management.

The objective of the award is to promote integral quality management in Dominican companies through the use of the Excellence Model of the National Quality Award.

The training will last 60 hours and will be given both in person and virtually. The classroom will be held in the classrooms of the Center for Business Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Infotep and virtual classes on the Infotep Virtual platform.

After the awarding, an introspection tool will be made available to the companies, which will allow them to know their current situation and compare it with a model of quality management and excellence of international standard.

The training program

This program is aimed at people interested in developing or training as an evaluator for the National Quality Award for the Private Sector.

The training will include four modules: Effective Communication and Technical Report Writing for the National Private Sector Quality Award, Active Listening, Conflict Management and Work Management for the National Private Sector Quality Award, Malcolm Baldrige Management Excellence Model and the Quality Assessment Process.

More about the award

The National Private Sector Quality Award also seeks to promote customer satisfaction and loyalty in companies through the implementation of a value flow system, focused on processes, as well as results-oriented and continuous improvement.

The Technical Secretariat of the Award is in charge of the Asociación Nacional de Empresas e Industrias de Herrera, under the guidance of the Award Council, its main body.


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