Raquel Peña: Key aviation in connectivity and tourism of DR

In the framework of the formal opening of the third ICAO Global Implementation Support Symposium (GISS), the Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, stressed that hosting this type of event in the country is a recognition of the growing importance of the Dominican Republic in the field of global aviation.

“Being held in the RD underscores the nation’s privileged location, and its commitment to excellence and innovation in the sector,” emphasized the Vice-Minister.

Peña stressed that aviation has been key to strengthening the country’s international connectivity, strengthening tourism development and boosting economic growth.

During her participation in the event, sponsored by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute (IDAC), Raquel Peña stressed that this symposium seeks to consolidate a global strategy to strengthen the industry, to promote sustainable development and ensure that all citizens of the world enjoy the growing benefits of civil aviation.

Event motto

The Vice-Minister emphasized that the theme of the event, “Optimizing aviation capacity: strategies for safe skies and a sustainable future”, conveys the vision of President Luis Abinader, to modernize airport terminals with the latest digital tools, in order to increase passenger traffic, while complying with all security measures.

IDAC Con Raquel PeñaICAO president, Salvatore Sciacchitano, anticipated that during the symposium important bilateral agreements will be formalized that will further support the development of air transport, through initiatives focused on infrastructure development, training programs and technology exchange.

Meanwhile, the general director of the IDAC, Héctor Porcella, thanked the ICAO for selecting the RD as the venue for the event, granting it the honor of being the first country in the Americas to organize this global meeting of civil aviation.

Porcella emphasized the effort put in place by the Government, which motivated the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to declare the country as number one in tourism recovery, while the Latin American and Caribbean Air Traffic Association (ALTA) certified in 2022 that the nation was already leading the recovery of air traffic in the entire region, exceeding growth levels by 16% with respect to 2019.

About the GISS

The symposium aims to showcase the latest digital tools developed by ICAO and highlight the entity’s key initiatives and collaborative efforts to, strengthen aviation resilience, drive innovation, promote sustainable development, offering new operational solutions for the benefit of participating countries.

In addition to participating in discussions with aviation experts, Member States will have the opportunity to explore the latest aviation products and services from sponsors and exhibitors.

The symposium is open to all aviation-related entities, including ministries, directorates general of civil aviation, international and regional organizations, aviation service providers, financial and development institutions, academic institutions, industry partners and other stakeholders.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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