Tourism restores Puerta de la Misericordia Colonial City

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, accompanied by the First Lady, Raquel Arbaje, delivered this Monday the completely restored historic Puerta de la Misericordia, in the Colonial City, with an investment of more than 17 million pesos.

The intervention consisted of the restoration of the stone wall, cleaning and sanitation of the walls, replacement of the coating of the walls, recovery, expansion and adaptation of the sidewalks.

Also the refurbishment of the landscaping areas, recovery of the benches, electric lighting and general beautification of the entire environment.

“Today, one day before National Independence Day, we are here delivering this important work, the restoration of the Puerta de la Misericordia, a true symbol of our freedom,” said Collado.

The works of the Mitur Colonial City

He affirmed that each of the works executed by the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur) and the World Development Bank (WDB) in the Colonial City put in fair value this destination of the Dominican capital.

The renovation consists of:

The renovation of the Puerta de La Misericordia also consists of the formalization of flower boxes and pits of the archaeological remains, cleaning and adaptation of the rain drainage system of the square and the creation of filtering wells and scuppers.

It also included improvements to the electrical system and painting of the façades around the square.

Puerta De La MisericordiaRegarding the reconstruction of the wall, the voussoir and impost of the central arch and the sentry box were restored; treatment of bricks in the dome cordon. In addition, consolidation and restoration of the 16th century bricks of the pediment.

The renovated work is part of the restoration works of several historical and cultural infrastructures of the Colonial City of Santo Domingo, including the Alcazar de Colon Monument, as well as the facades of several architectural and religious heritage of the Colonial City (the Pantheon of the Homeland and the Museum of the Royal Houses; churches, chapels, sanctuaries).

The same responds to the program executed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Mitur for the restoration and total rescue of the historic Colonial City of Santo Domingo.


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