President Luis Abinader expressed his full support to the National Institute of Consumer Protection (Pro Consumidor), so that the “devil’s acid” disappears in the country. “I want that, in the next few months, that wretched devil’s acid disappears from the Dominican Republic”, said the president emphatically while leading the ceremony for the National Day of Consumer Rights.
Addressing the director of Pro Consumidor and the other authorities of this institution, the President assured that “with you at the head and a multi-institutional team that we are creating, we will not allow that it is still present and available that has brought so much mourning, misfortune and tragedy to so many families”.
He added that the Government, together with ProConsumidor, will focus on the disappearance of this chemical from the Dominican Republic and that the full weight of the law will fall on those who have it available for sale.
In another order, President Abinader reaffirmed his commitment to guarantee to the population health and safety in the consumption of goods and services, as well as to protect the economic and legal interests of consumers.
During the activity, the head of state also cited, as other government priorities, promoting access to information and education on the subject, as well as strengthening consumer associations, while also promoting socially responsible and sustainable consumption from an appropriate environmental perspective.
“The government is highly committed to ensuring access to safe and healthy food for consumers, especially for the most vulnerable,” he ratified.
He explained that to achieve this, it has arranged numerous measures, including high capacity surveillance throughout the production chain, from contact with producers, manufacturers or importers, to outreach to representatives of the wholesale trade. The purpose is to guarantee at all times the supply of markets and stores, while at the same time ensuring reasonable prices.
He added that the commitment with employment, health and education complement the actions related to the defense of consumers’ rights.
He said that an important part of the national economy rests on consumers, with the mobility of the flow of money through their purchases in the diversified service and consumer sector.
He assured that, in spite of the difficult moments due to the global crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, the government has managed to generate a climate of trust and permanent communication between the institutions and the people. “This has made consumers see ProConsumidor as an important interlocutor when it comes to making claims, when their rights are violated in their consumer relationship,” said the head of state.
For his part, the director of ProConsumidor, Eddy Alcántara, announced that a draft reform bill will be submitted to the National Congress to strengthen the legal framework of this institution and to assign greater executive capacity in favor of consumers.