Do you want to enter the world of fashion?

Elizabeth De la Cruz: Want to break into the fashion world? Tips from an expert.

De la Cruz’s attraction to fashion has led her to currently be considered a fashion influencer on Instagram

Born in the Dominican Republic, Elizabeth De la Cruz is a fashion influencer who has been involved with fashion since she was young. She started out reading about the subject and learning from fashion references to learn how to create styles that she felt comfortable in and be on trend at the same time.

De la Cruz’s attraction to fashion has led her to currently be considered a fashion influencer on Instagram. The Dominican native mentions that she has been asked on several occasions how to get started in order to pursue this career, and what she mainly responds is that it takes time and effort.

Before sharing tips or tricks that have worked for the influencer, the Dominican was firm in commenting that she wishes someone would have told her when she started that she shouldn’t despair and that the process takes time. “I wish someone had told me that it doesn’t happen overnight and that in general successful stories on Instagram areFashion the result of years of work,” De la Cruz points out.

Elizabeth De la Cruz’s tricks

When asked about how to get started as a fashion influencer, the Dominican replied that you have to know your own style and focus on that. “Maybe your style is personal, alternative fashion, sporty or elegant. Focus on it and this will help you get people who identify with your style to become followers.”

Likewise, she exposes that it is important to know the audience to be able to define how the content to be shared will be. The fashion influencer states that once she determined the style that defines her, she proceeded to focus on the target audience that would be the one who would identify with her publications.

“As you gain followers spend time interacting with them,” the influencer mentions, adding that reading comments and trying different types of content will be what helps determine what content followers like the most.

Going more into the subject of fashion and not so much about the growth of an account, Elizabeth De la Cruz states that as an influencer she must be updated on current and upcoming trends. In addition, she says that just as she loves to read everything related to the fashion industry, she has a special liking for creating her own styles by combining trends.

De la Cruz also explains that since there is a considerable variety of fashion styles and trends, one should follow those that are related to one’s own style or that can be combined. Otherwise, it is not necessary to post about them. “In this case it is only necessary to keep up to date to keep Instagram metrics moving in the right direction.”

The fashion influencer mentions that an important part in this career is to show yourself to the public and not only focus on the clothes or accessories you wear. In her case, it has helped her to show her face, use her voice for videos or share details of her life.

Elizabeth De la Cruz continues to focus on sharing her love of fashion through empathetic marketing and takes the opportunity to – if possible – encourage her followers and make them feel understood.


Learn more: FASHION

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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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