Ken men

Makeup for men

After the onset of cosmetic treatments for men, makeup makes her entrance on the masculine world.

At first glance this might seem strange or even offensive, but let’s not forget that the actors in movies, television series, programs and commercials show a perfect mine through their professional makeup artists.

What is new is primarily marketing this concept to the general public, thanks to brands like Ken men, which offers a range of makeup products for men.
In contrast to feminine products, masculine makeup is not to jump to the eyes and not be noticed easily.

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It rather serves to camouflage the signs of fatigue, dark circles, blemishes or too pale complexion.

It can also help highlight some of the face discreetly, such as eyes, mouth, eyebrows…

In this sense, Ken men provides bases and foundations corrective caches rings, lip balms, pens that define eyebrows uneven etc…

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